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Gold Hawk Payment Problem

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    Gold Hawk Payment Problem

    Hello all,

    We are almost 'live' with our site;

    THe problem we have is that when you come to purchase an item for the Protx testing. Its the stage where the cart sends the information to Protx:

    An error has occurred whilst attempting the requested operation. The error is:

    Incomplete information submitted. The VendorTxCode field may be missing or you may have used an incorrect encryption password.

    Has anyone else had this problem? We have checked all the passwords and encyption codes given from Protx.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    If you email and mention that you need help integrating with Actinic they should send you a guide outlining what you need to do. I would have attached the guide here but it exceeds the upload size limit.

    Basically, the probable answer to your problem, as the guide indicates, is that you need to edit the file (in the Common OCC folder within the OCCUpgrade directory). Within Notepad (or any simple HTML editor) you need to find the line

    my $sPassword = 'testvendor';

    and change testvendor to your 16 figure Encryption Password (leaving the quotes intact). Save the file.

    You then need to edit the configuration file OCCUpgrade.ini (in the OCCUpgrade directory) and add 1 to the number found on the second line. For example if the file says [Version] Number = 1107, change this number to 1108 and save this file. Closing and re-opening Actinic should register this change and upload to the server.

    Probably best to get the guide direct from Protx, in case I've left anything out.


      Spot on

      Had the same problem and this fix worked like a dream.



        We are almost 'live' with our site;
        Wow, that's a pretty huge range of stock for a brand new website! Are you already an established business?

