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Invalid cursor state

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    Invalid cursor state


    When I export I get

    An error occured during the import: Invalid cursor state

    Has anyone had this problem and know the cause for/or solution for this?

    many thanks


    a search on "Invalid cursor state" will throw up 3 similar threads with solutions


      Hhhmmmm - I did a search before I posted this thread.

      The three results were not answered, apart from one which made no difference - Thats my reason for starting a new one!

      Thanks for your help anyway!


        ok in order for us to help, if is useful for us to know what you have already tried. If you posted that you had already searched the forum and had tried the compact databases solution, I wouldn't have replied in the manner I did.

        In order for us to help we need to have all the facts, you help us, we help you....

        This is from the Knowledge Base

        Issue: Invalid cursor state when trying to click anything within Actinic.
        Solution: This can usually be solved by useing CTRL ALT and DELETE to shut the program down. Re-open the software and goto Housekeeping | Compact Databases. Tick both boxes and proceed. After a short wait Actinic should say it needs to be restarted. Restart it and all should be well.


          I managed to sort it by removing each section of the products one at a time until it exported in order to find where the descepency was. Then re did that section!

          Its sorted now, at least!

