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Adding Actinic to a live site

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    Adding Actinic to a live site

    Before I press the button, I want to be sure...

    1. I have not checked the 'use as web home page' box on the Home page. I understand that this means it will be placed within the /acatalog directory like everything else. I have renamed the file 'shopindex.html' as a further precaution.

    2. I have set cgi-bin path to /acatalog to separate the Actinic cgi-bin from the existing one for the site.

    Unsurprisingly, if I try 'update website', it fails because there is no existing Actinic file version info on the site.

    If I choose 'refresh website', will this create /acatalog in the root directory and upload everything to /acatalog? I trust it will not touch anything in the root directory or in any other directory than /acatalog.

    Do I need to create the /acatalog directory on the host site, or will Actinc upload do this for me? If /acatalog already exists, will Actinic use it?

    For now, I just want to build the shop on the host. When it works, I'll alter the links from the existing homepage.

    1. yes - that will retain the existing index.html page in the root of the server

    2. should be no problem to combine the cgi-bin's but should work OK so long as you correctly point actinic to it

    3 actinic will create the actalog directory for you with the correct permissions

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      OK. I used the Wizard and took the default options for folders for cgi-bin, etc; The Wizard did various tests, including running a test scrpt, and declared itself satisfied.

      Next, I tried 'Refresh Website', and received the message 'Error sending version negotiation request'. Sounds as if Actinic thinks this is not the first upload. In a way, it isn't, since I have been using the Actinic Trial site until now. What do I need to do next?


        Rather than refreshing the site have you tried uploading? If that fails try the website purge and refresh under Help | Troubleshooting

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Something funny going on. 'Configure Website Details' is disabled, and I nothing I do can make it active. What mode have I managed to get Actinic Catalog into?


            It's 22:20 in France. I'm off to bed. For anyone who feels like giving advice, here's as much relevant info as I can think of:

            1. Right now the Web|Configured Website Details submenu is disabled. How do I get it enabled again?

            2. In Advanced Network Setup, 'Server Details', I see that the Wizard has set the Catalog and CGI-bin URLs to those of my website, not the URLs of the host, which I would use with an FTP client. Is this correct?

            3. In most attempts to either Update Site or Refresh Site, I get the message 'Error Negotiating Version...'. In other cases, I get a timeout trying to connect to the HTTP Server (my website URL, not the host URL). Looks as if Actinic is trying to FTP to the site URL. Is there a log of the process somewhere? I hate not seeing what's going on.


              Are you in host mode?

              I haven't got v7 on my laptop at the mo so I can't check to see how you get out of it


                In Advanced | Network Settings, click the Convert button - this switches between trial mode and live mode.

                Your website URL details should show for catalog and cgi-bin. Your website ftp url should also appear in the server line of the ftp details. The only place your host's name might appear is in the smtp server box for email.

                When you ftp, the address you connect to should be
                Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                  Looking through Help files, it sounds as if I may still be like an Evaluation/Trial version (hence the greyed-out Wizard menu item - but I did run the Wizard once). I am still using the downloaded Evaluation copy, but opened it with the authorisation code from the recently-arrived CD. I'll try re-installing from the CD.


                    There are two reasons the "Configure Web Site Details" may be greyed out.

                    1) Did you check that you're not in "Actinic Host Mode"?

                    Look in Advanced / Network Setup. If these words appear at the top of the window you need to click the Convert button.

                    2) Are you in Test Mode?

                    Look under Web for the 4th entry down. If this is "Switch to Production Mode" you need to click it. If it's "Switch to Test Mode|", you're OK.
                    Norman -
                    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                      Eureka. I was in Host mode. Thank you everyone.

