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Copying Content from One Site to Another

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    Copying Content from One Site to Another


    Can anyone please advise whether the above is possible?

    I need to take a section from 1 site and use it as the basis for another site but do not really need to copy the entire catalogue?

    I have tried exporting the entire catalogue but it will not get past 1 bar no matter how long I leave it (I have left it over 5 hours and it had still got no further)?

    Any ideas as this seems to have stumped me and our web designer and I really do not want to have to add the same products to another site by longhand?

    Many thanks


    Try cut and paste

    Just cut and paste the section name it should take the whole section across
    Chris Ashdown


      What you are doing should work however you could perhaps get most of the data from the Product table in Access. You could then manipulate this in Excel to create a file to import into te new site.

      Edit: try Chris' method first much simpler


        I tried copy and paste but when I copy in the one site and then close and open the other site it doesn't give me the option for paste?

        Any help greatly appreciated?



          Copy and Paste using the Clipboard works fine, assuming both Sites are on the same system.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Must have a problem then as when I open up another site after closing the one I have copied out of it doesn't give me an option to paste?


              Works fine here for entire Sections. Try it again.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                If you have developer you shouldn't have to close - just activate the other site.
                However you can still do it:
                Launch the clipborad viewer Start|Run - clipbrd (enter) then copy the section in Actinic. Then save the clipboard as any name you choose. Close Actinic and open the other site (however you tried to do it earlier). Then in clpbrd again open the file you saved earlier - go to Actinic and you should now be able to paste.

                Edit: corrected clpbrd to read clipbrd


                  Just tried it again but by the time I have closed one site and opened another it no longer gives me a paste option? It is greyed out and will only let me choose cut or copy?


                    Originally posted by drounding
                    If you have developer you shouldn't have to close - just activate the other site.
                    However you can still do it:
                    Launch the clipborad viewer Start|Run - clpbrd (enter) then copy the section in Actinic. Then save the clipboard as any name you choose. Close Actinic and open the other site (however you tried to do it earlier). Then in clpbrd again open the file you saved earlier - go to Actinic and you should now be able to paste.
                    Think we just just have V7 not developer? Where do I find the clipboard viewer? When I click Start on the start bar and then click Run and enter clpbrd windows brings up an error message to say that windows cannot locate the specified file? We are using Windows XP?

                    Sorry if I seem a little dense but trying my best to understand and resolve what seems as though it should be a straight forward process?


                      Sorry misspelt it, should be clipbrd (with an i)

                      Edit: If you don't have developer how are you swopping between sites, are they at different releases?


                        Sorted now!!

                        Thanks very much!!

                        Think we may have developer but I thought we had to shutdown one site before we could open another??


                          No just activate - as I guess you found out.
                          You may have more than one licence for V7 without developer - I presume you will also be able to swop between sites then also.

