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how to get rid of an image

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    how to get rid of an image


    Now if you go to here http://www.islandentertainmentsonlin...costumesa.html

    and then click home at the top of page i have a merry xmas logo i want to get rid of but not sure where it is?



    You can change it here:
    Design|Options - Brochure Tab - Corporate Logo. Just point it to the same file as set in Shop Defaults Tab.


      I would assume that you have added that image directly to the front page template Act_CatalogBody.html.

      Go Advanced | Template Manager | General Front Page Layout

      (edit) or better still follow Duncan




        While I was at the site, I hope you don;t mind some constructive criticism...

        I found the animated gifs distracting / annoying.

        Obviously, its a personal thing - but just thought I'd mention it



          Pity, because they're good animations. But Martin is right, and there's plenty of published website usability research to back him up. The rule is 'don't use animation unless you have a specific purpose in doing so'.

          On your site, the 'roomful of dancing figures' creates a mood for the site, and works well enough - but it is counterproductive once the user wants to select and buy a product. Part of the problem is that the text needs to be larger to counteract the distraction of the animation close by.

          Maybe the simplest improvement would be to trim the text/link associated with each animation to just a title line in a larger font size, and put all the information in the (un-animated) associated products section. Some external links will direct people to the shop window, but tightly-targeted searches (which come from people already interested in buying) will link straight to relevant product or product group pages with no distractions.


            Animations are to catch your eye to look at something otherwise unoticed such as special offers or similar.
            My opinion would be not to use them. Instead, for the section links, how about using the first frame of each gif as a still and then do an image change to the animated gif on mouseover.


              Hi Guys

              Thanks for your opinions on the animations, however as you say it is personal prefference and to be truthfull all my competitors use still images so we want to be different in that way. We aslo get e mails from people to say how they like the site because of the animations, we have never had critisim from a customer, it does not effect our sales(we hope)

              once you get in to the category its not full of animation, and the side bar animations are to get people to look at next day delivery etc etc..



                All done, thanks Duncan

