I have had a little trouble with my custom theme to date - one such problem is that the cart summary simply doesn't work in most cases! It's not picking up the cookie resulting in "Item" and "Value" both being reported as zero.
I thought at first that I had messed something up in the process of creating my own theme and basically mauling BusinessCSS. After a little while i realised that it simply could be expected to work on brochure pages because not only had I forgotten to include the "COOKIECHECK" instruction in the brochure primary template, but I also forgot to include "actinicextras.js" which actually provides the "getCartItem()" function necessary to query the cart cookie for that information.
However even after adding both these to my templates, it soon became apparent that the cart summary still seemed to behave randomly, sometimes producing the correct values and other times simply failing to retrieve the cookie data. I have to date observed no patterns.
This became worrying because I'm not convinced everything regarding Actinic development is either intuative OR particularly well documented (although I realise its a hard task with software of this scale, so this is not an insult to the developers or document writers) and I subsequently came to the conclusion that I had simply cocked something up in my eagerness to provide my client with a nice new and individual design that noone else has.
Much to my horror, after checking out the websites belonging to other people posting on this forum, it would appear that even those sites based on themes that ship with Actinic don't seem to work either! I believe the the guy who started this thread:
is using the "Smart" theme (I think, don't quote me on that), and if you add stuff to his cart, it has similar results to my site that can be found at (http://www.musicdealcity.com) - i.e. the basket shows contents but when the page bounces back to where you came from the cart summary (top right as in my design) shows zeros again. The zeros stick even if you change pages. Although in my experience I can get it to work once in a while :/
Further more, and related to other issues I have experienced such as section lists not appearing on brochure pages, it appears that on my "about" page (info.html) the section lists still don't work, yet on the home page - when the section lists now work - the cart summary simply doesn't appear in spite of the fact that I've now included the code on both my primary and brochure primary templates!
I look forward feverishly to the time when someone will enlighten me as to what I've done wrong
Either that or until support come back and tell me its not really my problem.
Does anyone else have a malfunctioning cart summary?
I thought at first that I had messed something up in the process of creating my own theme and basically mauling BusinessCSS. After a little while i realised that it simply could be expected to work on brochure pages because not only had I forgotten to include the "COOKIECHECK" instruction in the brochure primary template, but I also forgot to include "actinicextras.js" which actually provides the "getCartItem()" function necessary to query the cart cookie for that information.
However even after adding both these to my templates, it soon became apparent that the cart summary still seemed to behave randomly, sometimes producing the correct values and other times simply failing to retrieve the cookie data. I have to date observed no patterns.
This became worrying because I'm not convinced everything regarding Actinic development is either intuative OR particularly well documented (although I realise its a hard task with software of this scale, so this is not an insult to the developers or document writers) and I subsequently came to the conclusion that I had simply cocked something up in my eagerness to provide my client with a nice new and individual design that noone else has.
Much to my horror, after checking out the websites belonging to other people posting on this forum, it would appear that even those sites based on themes that ship with Actinic don't seem to work either! I believe the the guy who started this thread:
is using the "Smart" theme (I think, don't quote me on that), and if you add stuff to his cart, it has similar results to my site that can be found at (http://www.musicdealcity.com) - i.e. the basket shows contents but when the page bounces back to where you came from the cart summary (top right as in my design) shows zeros again. The zeros stick even if you change pages. Although in my experience I can get it to work once in a while :/
Further more, and related to other issues I have experienced such as section lists not appearing on brochure pages, it appears that on my "about" page (info.html) the section lists still don't work, yet on the home page - when the section lists now work - the cart summary simply doesn't appear in spite of the fact that I've now included the code on both my primary and brochure primary templates!
I look forward feverishly to the time when someone will enlighten me as to what I've done wrong

Does anyone else have a malfunctioning cart summary?