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Do different browers see different checkout screens?

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    Do different browers see different checkout screens?

    We have had a customer email to say she can't check out, she's sent me a screen print and it doesn't look anything like my screen. I am wondering if she's got the wrong website..... Or if she could be seeing something totally different to me?

    The first is what she sent to me, and the 2nd what I see

    Attached Files

    I think she has the wrong website.


      that's what I was thinking too, I just wondered as she managed to email us, and name our store owner correctly, so she has obviously been on our site at some point.


        Whats your url so we can have a look???




            I think she has the wrong website too, and probably not Actinic (I haven't seen an Actinic site where the first name and "last" name are separate, plus I suspect it is a US site). Your image shows a box to click to add address to address book - would this have shown a separate page? - doesn't seem to be there now.

            Couple of points - your bookmark this page text doesn't work properly in Mozilla Firefox, also your back/cancel/next buttons in checkout aren't visible - you have to scroll down to find them - this could confuse some people! Mark H

            Aquazuro - designer stainless steel accessories


              She must be on an other website. I would agree about your checkout, it runs in frames so the buttons to continue etc are not visible, the natural reaction is to use the ie scroll to find them but it does not. Very confusing I am not surprised she ended up on another site!


                It took me a while before I realised where the add to cart button was when I tried - before I saw the scroll bar in the site frame. Good looking site but loosing the frames would be of great benefit.


                  Unfortunately, we didn't design the site, and while it looks nice, there are lots of things that don't work as well as I would like in practice.
                  On the checkout screens, I have asked them to move the Actinic Logo further down the page, which will hopefully move the "next" button up into the main screen.
                  Add to cart should be directly under each product - I don't think that's hard to find?


                    Your image shows a box to click to add address to address book - would this have shown a separate page? - doesn't seem to be there now.
                    this only shows on the Delivery page, and it doesnt' show a different screen, it just lists the available addresses the next time you check out - is this not a standard Actinic Feature (we are using the Actinic SSL)



                      it just lists the available addresses the next time you check out - is this not a standard Actinic Feature (we are using the Actinic SSL)
                      This appears only when you are using customer accounts (Actinic Business & above) and have 'Allow user to Select or Enter New Address' selected under Delivery address (Buyer Tab).

                      Kind regards,
                      Bruce King

