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Two sites problem - wipes encryption password

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    Two sites problem - wipes encryption password

    Hi there

    I have 2 sites, kept in the Sites folder of Actinic.

    Whenever I swap sites, ie go to File menu > Sites and activate a new site, the OCCProtxtemplate encryption password for the site I have just switched to is wiped and replaced by the testvendor password. I then merrily upload the changes, not realising that the shopping cart is now stuffed. This is very tedious to have to keep checking, replacing the password, updating the ini file, uploading, testing a transaction.

    Am I doing something wrong in the way I have the sites set up? It seems as though only one site at a time is allowed to have an encryption password. I can't imagine that this is how it is supposed to work, so is it not possible to have 2 sites and switch from one to the other in this way? Please help.

    Many thanks


    Sounds as though the sites may be set up OK, but you should not be licencing a new site every time. You should select the site name for the site you want to switch to, and Activate.

    You DO have multiple site licence numbers or Developer, don't you?
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      Hi Bill, thanks for your reply.

      Yes, I do have a site licence for each of the 2 sites. I had to license the new site when I first set it up, but I now select the site name and Activate each time (I am not licensing a new site any more).

      When I click Activate, I get this message:
      "Some files were replaced during the Payment Service Providers upgrade. The existing files have been backed up. If you have customized these files you will have to re-apply those customizations." My PSP is Protx if that helps.

      That is what is giving me the problem, because it is at that point that the encryption p/w is replaced by testvendor.



        I think this thread will help you , especially post #9:


          Thanks very much. I'll try out their suggestion of not updating the ini file and see if that helps at all.

          Much appreciated.



            Hey! It works!

            I have now switched sites a couple of times (what fun) and the password has stayed as it should.

            Perhaps a warning (is it just people with Protx templates?) would be a good idea, as we have all been taught to religiously update the ini file when making changes.


