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Auto-Location of Products - Software Bug?

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    Auto-Location of Products - Software Bug?

    We’ve recently upgraded our web site using actinic business Version 7.0.6 GBGA and while using the auto-location feature to allow customers to go straight to products works well when your not logged-in using example code outlined below

    However, if your customer logs-in to their account and then tries to use auto-location of products this uses the CGI code outlined below to auto-locate the products ie

    This does not locate the product but instead locates you at the top of the product page. We have confirmed the code is right & brought this issues up with our Actinic software / maintenance partner and they have told us there is a bug in the software with regard to this issue and they are still trying to find a work around. Actinic support themselves confirm there seems to be an issue but at the moment don’t seem to have an answer. Have any forum members had the same issue or found a work around? We were looking to use this feature to allow corporate customers to log-in their account and order products under their own individual business terms.

    Regards, Phil G
    Phil Griffiths