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A minor but irritating problem

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    A minor but irritating problem

    Hi all,

    When I first installed Actinic whenever I made an alteration to anything, product, section, fragment etc., the page automatically reloaded in the preview panel. It now tries to reload but nothing changes, it just comes up with the page before I edited it. Even if I add 50 products to a page it wouldn't change until I click away from that section. This means that I have to exit that section every time and go back into it to see my changes. Not a critical error but something I'd rather not have happening. It's annoying!

    Any ideas for that one? I've tried changing the refresh speed but nothing's worked.



    It is annoying isn't it?

    I have the same thing happen with my main site. I have a copy of that in redesign at the moment, and the copy refreshes instantly - most peculiar. I don't have a solution, but will be interested to see if this thread scares one up.

    I am on Developer v7.0.6 on Windows XP Pro SP2.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      I have no idea if I did anything to cause it. I can't think of anything weird I did if I did cause it so it's all a bit of a mystery really.

      I'm using Developer v7.0.6 on Win XP Pro SP2 too.

      The plot thickens...



        I hated the inline preview so much it is now disabled in all the sites - note that using developer the settings for the preview does not transport between the sites - you need to set discreetly when each site is opened and it wil then remember (a bizarre arrangement as you would assume the user wants the same settings across each of their sites - oh well).

        I prefer to preview in the external browser as and when I need to.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Originally posted by wjcampbe
          I don't have a solution, but will be interested to see if this thread scares one up.
          It didn't! Oh well, I can work round it I suppose!

          Still anoying though



            I prefer to preview in the external browser as and when I need to.
            not much help, but I always use external browser too

