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Hiding the product list in Act_Primary??

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    Hiding the product list in Act_Primary??

    I hope someone can help me with this...

    I want the Act_Primary.html to be my home page and have a 'shop window' in the centre. The shop window would be made up of 'new fragments' in the 'online catalogue'. However this is appearing below a huge list of product links, exactly the same as those that appear on the navigation bar (NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP).

    I want to hide those links in the centre of my home page (not on the navigation bar), but have them present for every 'product section' beneath that.

    If this isn't possible, can I...

    Copy the product list on the navigation bar(NETQUOTEVAR:TOPLEVELSECTIONSTOP) so that it appears on the Act_BrochurePrimary.html. I've tried this and can't seem to get this to work either!? Help!


    Here is a jpg of my design for the page, and a jpg of what it currently looks like on the Act_Primary.html with a big arrow pointing to the problem.

    Attached Files

    Your "huge list of product links" is the Section List.

    From Design | Options - Layout tab, set the default location and layout of Section Lists to none.

    Added - then on the section pages where you want the list - again on the layout tab, tick the override box and choose the layout position.
    Last edited by wjcampbe; 25-May-2006, 01:26 PM. Reason: add
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      Thanks Bill I'll have a crack that


        Cheers Bill, It works just the way I want now.


          Help With Extra Space

          Good Morning Bill

          I am currently using "Act_Primary_Layout1.html" as the Index page to the website (The front page)

          I am using "Act_Primary.html" for the standard layout for all the product pages.

          I am struggling to get rid of the large amount of white space at the top, of the bulk area of my page (see jpg). I've looked through all the <BR> tags in 'design - text' and can't see to get rid of it. I've also scanned the, Act_Primary, Act_Primary_Layout1, Act_Header, Act_Footer, Act_ProductBody and can't find any <BR> tags that effect this.

          Do you know, or can point me in a direction to look to solve this problem?

          Attached Files


            Morning Michael,

            Since all the white space is accumulated at the top of the page, it suggests that an item of code that is repeated has a <br> tag OUTSIDE the table.

            Review your product/fragment templates and you will likely find the problem.

            It is also possible, that you have closed a table tag in the Primary template that Actinic expects to find open ready for the product/fragment to nest inside.
            Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
            BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
            Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
            VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
            Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


              Are the fragments showing dividers at the bottom only (standard practice with Atcinic)? The top fragment has a divider above also which could be a clue

              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                Thanks Guys, I'll have at look at these now


                  I don't seem to be getting very far with this at all.

                  I've tried everything you said Bill, but I can't find anything that could/is affecting it.

                  ... and I've had a look at the 'separators', especially the very top one which I can't seem to get rid of for love nor money! Which template would that seperator be on? It isn't on the "Act_RightImageAndTitle.html"

                  The seperators appear to be at the top rather than the bottom, I can swap them round on all the other templates, expect that particular one!?


                    If I delete the line in "Act_SectionSeparator.html" it disappears, but does not do anything to decrease the amount of white space at the top!?


                      Temporarily untick the "compact html and cgi" under Design | Options | Misc and preview the page - look at the source code and the generating template will been shown as a comment.

                      If you have Dreamweaver the DW plug-in will also show the generating templates

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                        Sorry, I know this is dragging on and I really appreciate everyones help.

                        I managed to pinpoint the problem late yesterday afternoon, but had a blinding headache and no will power to attempt to solve it.

                        I've contacted Actinic about the problem, but as of yet they have not gotten back to me.

                        If you bare with me whilst I try and explain this...

                        For my home page I am using a file called 'Act_Primary_Layout1.html' (index page). Now for my individual sections I'm using 'Act_Primary.html' for the overall layout and 'Act_SectionLine.html' for the section link layout.

                        Now what I've discovered although there is no text or images shown in the white space on the first page (index page), everytime I add a new sub section in one of those individual sections it creates more white space on the home page.

                        I can't delete the 'NETQUOTEVAR:BULK' out of the 'Act_Primary_Layout1.html' because it hides all of the fragments which contain the basis for my shop window.

                        Does anyone know a way to solve this?



                          Now what I've discovered although there is no text or images shown in the white space on the first page (index page), everytime I add a new sub section in one of those individual sections it creates more white space on the home page
                          This is nearly always due to some text within a table not being placed between <td> and </td>.
                          Norman -
                          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                            Thank you for your response Norman.

                            I'm not sure where to look though. The text from what I can tell is created from NETQUOTEVARBULK and is created from 'New Section' - 'General' - 'Name' in Actinic. None of that from what i can tell lies inside a <td> ?
                            Attached Files

