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Online backup

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    Online backup

    Having now got the site up to a decent standard I have started to think about backing up more seriously. I have always backed up tp another PC and also to DVDR but it's all onsite. A theft or fire etc could lose me everything. So I decided to spend the morning working out a better option. Now, I have some other webspace with me2uweb apart from that used by the site.

    What I have done is essentially to create a polder in the public_html folder and changed it's attributes so that only the owner has permission to read, write or excecute it. I have disabled all rights for group and public. then I have FTP'd my Site1 folder into that folder. Any attempt to browse it throws up a forbidden message and a 404.

    What I need to know essentially is whether this is sufficiently secure or do I need to use one of these online backup services that charge loads of money?

    I also wish to backup some other docs off site. Is there any danger at all that anyone but me could see the contents of this folder without having the password?

    Maybe a silly question but I'm not too hot on these things.

    Also, is everything in Site1? So I could just download the folder and whack it into a new installation of actinic on a new PC and away I go?
    Blank DVD
    Cloth Nappies

    Also, is everything in Site1? So I could just download the folder and whack it into a new installation of actinic on a new PC and away I go?
    Everything but the info in Housekeeping / Security (it's in the Registry). It's always a good idea to copy this to a textfile and keep that in Site1 as well.

    Hopefully someone else will answer regarding security.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thanks Norman. What do I lose if I lose that file? I ask as I have recently move Actinic to another PC and just did a snapshot, which seemed to work OK although I did lose all the orders that were on the original PC.
      Blank DVD
      Cloth Nappies


        The Housekeeping / Security info is carried over automatically with a Snapshot. It's only if you go the copy Site1 way that you need to copy / paste this info in. Many of us prefer to backup Site1 as well as Snapshotting, just in case there are problems restoring the Snapshot.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          OK, thanks. I'll fire a snapshot up as well.
          Blank DVD
          Cloth Nappies


            I've never had an issue with housekeeping security keys, as long as you have the original software key.

            I think this is bacause I use PSP.

            Is this true or have I been lucky.

            I'm not suggesting security keys aren't required for people who download orders/CC using SSL or inbulit encryption, I just think they aren't required if you use PSP


              The long (1024 bit) security key is used to heavily encrypt CC details on the server while they wait for download into Actinic. I guess if your payment method never reveals these to you then you won't be receiving such data to decrypt.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Are orders without cc details encrypted differently to those with cc details then?


                  All the order info on the server is encrypted. The boring stuff (product details, etc) is lightly encrypted; the CC stuff is highly encrypted using a unique key for that site. Nothing is left clear. The light encryption uses a common key for all Actinic sites.

                  There's a white paper on the Actinic site regarding security that may be more detailed .
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

