Has anyone tried getting the quantity price text ie
Price: (1 item) £10.00
Price: (2 to 3 items) £8.50
Price: (4 or more items) £8.00
included next to a radio button attribute of a component.ie
(radio button)Pack 25 Price: (1 item) £10.00
Price: (2 to 3 items) £8.50
Price: (4 or more items) £8.00
This has been constructed as
Item/ component(link to hidden product and quantity prices)/attribute(Pack size)/choice
I cannot seem to find how to get the price text from the hidden page into the item page.
Thanks in advance for any help!
Price: (1 item) £10.00
Price: (2 to 3 items) £8.50
Price: (4 or more items) £8.00
included next to a radio button attribute of a component.ie
(radio button)Pack 25 Price: (1 item) £10.00
Price: (2 to 3 items) £8.50
Price: (4 or more items) £8.00
This has been constructed as
Item/ component(link to hidden product and quantity prices)/attribute(Pack size)/choice
I cannot seem to find how to get the price text from the hidden page into the item page.
Thanks in advance for any help!