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newsletter sign-up - how to?

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    newsletter sign-up - how to?

    Does anybody know how I can put a newsletter sign up box on a specific page within my site?
    Basically I want a bit of text re newsletter sign up and a box that will allow people to enter their email address. Then for their email address to be sent to me by email so I can add it to my newsletter list. I need it on two specific pages.
    Can anybody give me any advice on how to do this?

    A simple formmail script will allow you to collect user input - including email address, name etc and email the results through to you.

    Your host will often have a ready made script available for you to plug into your pages or you can use any formmail script on the internet (do a search for formmail on the forum as this has been discussed previously)


    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      more help!!

      Hi Jont
      I did what you suggested and searched on this site for more information and I found this on one of the answers www.<>/cgi-bin/ The writer says that you need to have a link to this on your site and this will create a form as Actinic has formmail built in.
      Is this right?
      And if it is, where do I put this on my site?
      Or should I go with the other info I found which suggests downloading formmail from
      I need help cos I'm a bit thick when it comes to the real hard stuff (well it seems hard to me!)
      Thanks for your help already.


        Yes - Actinic has a built in form you can use. If you want the link to appear on all pages you will need to place the code into the Act_Primary.html and Act_BrochurePrimary.html templates (found in the root of the site1 folder)

        The code will look something like:

        <a href="">Click here for newsletter</a>

        note the "1" at the end of the is the network ID number as set in your network settings

        This will link to the standard contact form under Actinic. There are threads which discuss how to modify the form to suit your needs.

        A lot of people use Matts Formmail at which can be easily adapted to capture specific information but will typically require a HTML page creating to contain the formmail code. The formmail available from your host wil also require you to typically create a HTML page and embed the necessary code into it ... often there are example pages with the codes to get you started

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



          Thanks Jont I'll see how I get on with that.

