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Conecting to SQL

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    Conecting to SQL


    I have an evaluation version of Bussiness and am trying to conect it to a SQL server database I keep getting the same error

    Actinic was not able to find the DNS for the database you selected please select another database.

    Can anyone help ????

    I take you mean you're trying to link products in from an external SQL Server database? Have you set up the DSN through Administrative Tools to point to the SQL database first?
    Web Development, Actinic Patches, Scripts & more


      Got Further

      Hi thanks Kermy yes that is what I am doing I have got past that now and my mapping is causing me problems.

      The product reference is not mapping.

      If it is any help I am mapping it to a Microsoft RMS database.



        Have you tried using the help in Actinic? Click on Help | Help Topics | Search, 'Linking to An External File', you might also want to check out 'Advanced Details About External Linking'.
        Especially this
        Linking to SQL Data

        Note 6: If the external file is an SQL database, then the ODBC Data Source has to be set up, either in advance, e.g. through Windows Control Panel, or using the ODBC screens that will appear in Actinic.

        Note 7: If the external file is an SQL database, you will also need to define a 'Primary Key' field for your data, or else Actinic will not be able to create the external link properly. You can use your 'Product Reference' column as your primary key if no other field is available.

        Note 8: If you are using MS SQL server then you must use VARCHAR data type for the columns of the linked table. With other database systems use the equivalent syntax. This is so that a value in the external table, which is shorter than the size of its corresponding table column, will not be right-padded to the size of the column. Also, the 'int' type should be used for numeric fields such as 'Product Quantity', 'Stock in hand', 'Stock warning level' and 'Stock checks enabled'.

        Maximum Number of Characters

        Certain fields in Actinic have a limit to the number of characters that can be stored in the field. Before linking, you should check through your data to ensure that you do not exceed the maximum number of permitted characters in any of the following fields.

        Text Field Max. Number of Characters
        Product reference 20
        Short description 255
        Full description 20,000
        Report Description 20,000
        Image Filename 50
        Date prompt text 50
        Other info prompt 50
        Detail Link Text 20,000
        Extended Info Text 20,000
        Bruce King



          Yeah had tried help there's a lot there

          Found it easier to import by creating a view and then exporting the view to a csv file

          has anyone linked actinic to a Microsoft RMS database ?



            Can anybody who has tried linking Actinic to a Microsoft RMS DB, please post their suggestions here.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King

