I have changed the bounce page as I'm using Kermy workaround &
changed to single add to cart which works great until you press the add to cart button with-out selecting any quanities.
The page returns with an error
"No products have been added to the shopping cart. Please enter the quantity of each product being ordered before pressing the 'Add to cart' button."
If you follow the instructions and press the add to cart.
you recive an error page
A General Script Error Occurred
Error: The input is NULL
Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner.
See www.farmerschoicefreerange.co.uk
Kermy workaround.
my ($sSearchTag, $sReplaceTag);
$sSearchTag = '</TITLE>';
$sReplaceTag = $sSearchTag . "\n" .
$sMetaTag; $sHTML =~ s/$sSearchTag/$sReplaceTag/ig;
return ($::SUCCESS, '', $sHTML, 0);
Replace that whole section with:
my ($sSearchTag, $sReplaceTag);
$sSearchTag = '</TITLE>';
my $tempStr = ".pl?SECTIONID";
if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ /$tempStr/i){ $sReplaceTag = $sSearchTag . "\n" . $sMetaTag;
$sReplaceTag = $sSearchTag . "\n" . "</head><body><script type='text/javascript'>window.location=document.referrer;</script></body></html>";
$sHTML =~ s/$sSearchTag/$sReplaceTag/ig;
return ($::SUCCESS, '', $sHTML, 0);
Which if I remove solves the problem. But, is there any way this code can be altered so I can use it?
Jay Cee
I have changed the bounce page as I'm using Kermy workaround &
changed to single add to cart which works great until you press the add to cart button with-out selecting any quanities.
The page returns with an error
"No products have been added to the shopping cart. Please enter the quantity of each product being ordered before pressing the 'Add to cart' button."
If you follow the instructions and press the add to cart.
you recive an error page
A General Script Error Occurred
Error: The input is NULL
Press the Browser back button and try again or contact the site owner.
See www.farmerschoicefreerange.co.uk
Kermy workaround.
my ($sSearchTag, $sReplaceTag);
$sSearchTag = '</TITLE>';
$sReplaceTag = $sSearchTag . "\n" .
$sMetaTag; $sHTML =~ s/$sSearchTag/$sReplaceTag/ig;
return ($::SUCCESS, '', $sHTML, 0);
Replace that whole section with:
my ($sSearchTag, $sReplaceTag);
$sSearchTag = '</TITLE>';
my $tempStr = ".pl?SECTIONID";
if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} =~ /$tempStr/i){ $sReplaceTag = $sSearchTag . "\n" . $sMetaTag;
$sReplaceTag = $sSearchTag . "\n" . "</head><body><script type='text/javascript'>window.location=document.referrer;</script></body></html>";
$sHTML =~ s/$sSearchTag/$sReplaceTag/ig;
return ($::SUCCESS, '', $sHTML, 0);
Which if I remove solves the problem. But, is there any way this code can be altered so I can use it?
Jay Cee