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Removing Act_OCCSecureHostingTemplate.html

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    Removing Act_OCCSecureHostingTemplate.html


    I'm currently trying to further customise the payment processing side of our store and am finding the Act_OCCSecureHostingTemplate.html rather frustrating. We use Secure Hosting to process our transactions so the customer is forwarded onto there site to enter there credit card details.

    This works ok but i really don't like the page which is displayed before they are moved over to Secure Hostings site. I belive the Act_OCCSecureHostingTemplate.html template is designed to populate with all the billing details and order info from the customer and convert them into a format which can be understood by Secure Hosting. This makes sense and i can understand why this is neccessary however i can't understand why this seperate page is needed.

    All the details that are passed across come from or are available on the Order01 template. Therefore why could these details not be populated in hidden fields on the order02 template and the customer passed directly from the order02 template to Secure Hostings site. If details on the order02 template were passed to Secure Hosting then i could understand the need for a further page, but none of them are neccessary.

    I don't mind if i have to hard code this functionality into the order02 template rather than using the NETQUOTEVAR:OCC_VALUES which currently populates with the info on the Act_OCCSecureHostingTemplate.html. I just really want a work around to this page which doesn't look great to a customer.

    I'm not sure if this would work but i was hoping i could just set up hidden fields for all the values passed across and then set there value as the variable name used in Actinic.

    Any help figuring out how to get around this would be awesome.



    Have you tried reducing the bounce delay to see if that makes it quicker. This can be done in Design | Options | Shop Defaults, the default is 5, change to 1 and then update the site and see if it makes a difference. I am not sure if you can completely do away with the bounce page but will check this for you.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      not sure if you can completely do away with the bounce page but will check this for you
      Yes you can - set it to 0 and it will take you stright to the cart


        Currently you do bounce straight through to the Secure Hosting cart as the bounce delay is set to 0. However you still have to load the page, occasionally it doesn't work automatically, if a customer hits back in there browser they return to this bounce page.

        I would really prefer a way of simply getting rid of it altogether. Therefore i need to know what variables Secure Hosting needs and how i can grab these to pass them on.



          If you posted your url we may be able to see what is going on!


            Hi Bruce,

            Did you manage to find out from your support guys if this is going to be possible or not?




              Sorry, I missed this post. I am afraid this is not possible, it is an item for the wish-list as it would require a major change to the script to change location without the bounce coming into play. I will add this to the wish list for you.

              Kind regards,
              Bruce King



                Thanks for looking into this for me. I'll stick with what we've got then...


