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Child sections affecting parent sections.

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    Child sections affecting parent sections.


    on my front page i want to display a list of manufacturers by their logo (no description or other text).

    On the next level down the 'tree' I want to display an image, a description and some text.

    I have created an Act_SectionLine1.html (note the 1) file which is different from the standard Act_SectionLine.html file but it is still affecting a section further up the tree.

    To see what I mean I've put some of the site up:

    shows a grey background to the Eurocal logo. This is because I have defined this background for the section at:

    I've tried switching various 'Use Parent Settings' on and off to no avail.

    Steve Donovan
    Located in Cheltenham. Gloucestershire.

    Yep - it's/was a known bug

    Seem to think it was resolved in a version patch though ... search the forum and you may get a definitive answer

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



      Welcome to the community !! Have you checked to see on the section level layout tab if you have associated the correct template. A better way would be to go into Design | Options | Layouts and select the specific templates you want to use over the site. You can then leave all section level values to 'Use Parent'.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        Thanks for your responses guys. Jont, I have the latest patch and couldn't find any other solutions in the community. Bruce, I'll give that a go next week and let you know.
        Steve Donovan
        Located in Cheltenham. Gloucestershire.


          Aaaarrrrgghhh I'm going mad.......

          It's OK I'll try and stay calm

          I've reset everything and started from scratch but every time I try and build my site I get the feeling that there's a 'Use Child Settings' button somewhere that I cannot see. If you go to my test site at and click on manufacturers you'll notice that the Eurocal logo is replaced by a text link even though I have specified 'Image only - no text shown' for the 'Section Link Layout'.

          This is because on the next level down (click on Eurocal to see) I have specified 'Name and description only - no image' for my 'Section Link Layout'.

          Surely there's something fundamentally wrong here. The tail is wagging the dog. What's the point in having customisable 'Section Layout Links' and 'Use Parent' toggle switches if they work the wrong way round?

          It makes no difference what I set in Design ¦ Options either.

          Incidentally I'm using a fully patched version 7.
          Steve Donovan

          Located in Cheltenham. Gloucestershire.


            When you move up a level, the section you are linking to is the one you just left. Why would it not use the section list settings you set on that level?

            You are not setting how the current level will relate to levels below it, but how the level above will relate to the current section.

            Does that help it to make sense?
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              Suddenly everything becomes clear (as they used to say in the Tab Clear advert).

              Thank you.
              Steve Donovan
              Located in Cheltenham. Gloucestershire.

