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Basket emptying when view or checkout

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    Basket emptying when view or checkout

    Using v 7.0.6

    Have already set my machine to always accept cookies from the site

    All did work well until I set the site to use SSL - but I also did the same to another site which works well so it cant be that

    Basically you put an item in the basket and it shows the page confirming this and the box in the right hand panel also shows the item and price
    it returns to the catalog - still showing the item on right in basket

    however if you either try to put another item in the box or view basket or checkout the item already in the basket vanishes

    I have tried to access the site from many different pcs and get the same result.

    This is an adult site but if you are not offended I would appreciate some help
    The address is

    This is driving me crazy - I have also already tried a purge and refresh and tried changing the cgi number before doing yet another purge and refresh - i have now run out of ideas

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me


    PS any news of version 8????

    I had exactly the same problem!

    In my case it was caused by the visibility tab on fragments. It took me ages to twig after multible snapshot restorations, installations on other computers, changes of script numbers etc. etc.

    If you have any fragments in which you have unticked any customer groups, put ticks back in all the boxes or delete the fragment. Do a refresh and it should work again(assuming this is the problem).

    I did register the problem as a bug, but got nowhere with Actinic (Actinic Support query:72940 if anybody from Actinic is interested) who couldn't replicate the problem.

    Hope this is caused by the same thing in your case, then I know I'm not totally insane



      All products and brochure fragments are visible and available to all users
      this site is very similar to another i have which works - right down to the template changes to display the boxes on all pages but i cant find the problem
      i can always try again i suppose as i have developer

      i think my next option is to use an ftp client to completely clear out actinic and then rebuild from there

      unless anyone has any other ideas???

      thanks again

      Jane - not working at present - working!!


        Site worked ok for me I added and removed products and processed two items through to payment. You should have a test order.

        Got my receipt email ok to, shows both items.


          Thanks Malcolm

          Got the order shown and the emails i would expect for an order

          so the site must be ok

          but still not sure why i cant get it work from our 4 machines here!!
          will have to look at the setup again - especially as is ok for one site and not the other!

          Thanks again


            If it's any consolation, this happens on my dev machine as well. Seems to work fine on other PC's but I add to the basket on my Vaio and when I navigate around the site, the basket appears empty.

            I'm hoping it's fine for any customers and just a bug that affects the dev PC??
            Blank DVD
            Cloth Nappies


              my order went through ok too, maybe its a browser thing

              I used FF


                I had this problem too!

                It was the issue with a fragment not being being set to visable for my customer group (I only have one though).
                Many thanks bentleybloke, you are not going mad!
                I too asked actinic but they where stumped and just got me to purge and refresh the website.
                Now that we have a solution I shall contact them again to ensure they are aware of it.
                Steve D
                Boomedia Ltd

