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Custom page

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    Custom page


    I need to create a page for a highly customisable product. Essentially what I need is to have a form where the customer fills in all their requirements, but it also needs to be a product so they can click 'add to basket'. The 'Add to Basket' button would have to POST the form as well as adding the product to the basket.

    Is A) having an entirely seperate page with an add to basket button to perform the usual function

    and B) as above but also posting the form


    All Actinic products are within <FORM...> </FORM> tags and you cannot nest FORM statements.

    Where do you expect your custom form to post it results to?

    It may also help to say what sort and how much extra info you need to catpure.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      If you hop along to

      you can see what I mean. At the moment, the customer has to click the link to open a form which takes their desired site centre, title and subtitle, then submit that form (which e-mails the info to us). They then have to choose what format they want the map in on the product page, and order it as normal.

      What I want to do is integrate these two processes so that the customer can simply type in the information and click add to basket, rather than going through two seperate operations, which at the moment isn't really working - we either get an e-mail with no order or an order with no e-mail!


        Norman has just the thing on his site "Multiple Other Info Prompts" I use it and it works very well.


          That rather groovily works, but raises a few other questions:

          1. Can I change the font size of the prompts?
          2. Why is the layout of this page different to every other product on the site, even though they're all set to 'Use Parent'?
          3. How can I make this page look different to all the others on the site, ie different colour scheme etc?


            Please remember its donationware.


              Yup, I'll see what I can do!

              Norman, would you like a site-centred map as payment? Digital mapping of some kind? Let me know.


                1. Can I change the font size of the prompts?
                2. Why is the layout of this page different to every other product on the site, even though they're all set to 'Use Parent'?
                3. How can I make this page look different to all the others on the site, ie different colour scheme
                I may be wrong but it looks like your site has been custom designed and you are using the default actinic template for the page we are looking at while the others are using a redesigned template.


                  Hmmm, i don't think so. The site was custom designed, but if all the products are set to 'use parent', why is that particular one different to all the rest?


                    It depends how the designer has set things up. If the primary template has been altered then it should work as you expect but if they have created a new template and applied it to the other sections then the new pages will not look the same.

                    Give them a call


                      Well, the site has been going for 4 years, and has had many new products added to it without difficulty, so I don't know why this one's gone pear-shaped. I might just delete the product and try again.


                        If that is the case then I would agree I thought it may be a newish site.


                          Nope, old and unfortunately set in its ways.


                            Help! For some reason it's chopping off the first 4 characters of anything that's entered into the boxes, but I think it only happens if said characters are numbers. Any ideas?


                              Maybe Norman will be able to help you with this. You could also try

                              Kind regards,
                              Bruce King

