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Runtime Errro - Offline Preview

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    Runtime Errro - Offline Preview

    Hi All,

    Thought I would share something with you all that cost me 3 hours this afternoon. I was modifying the Act_Primary.html template, adding some images for the navigation, I tried an offline preview of the site and a runtime error occurred causing the application to abort and close.

    Having checked the code over and over again I could find no problem. I reinstated the original file and this worked happily. I compared both files against each other and as I had only changed a small section of code, there were no obvious discrepancies. Then, after removing line by line of the code and retrying a preview I finally found that by removing a single line of table data, the offline preview worked succesfully and the application no longer aborted.

    I am going to share this with you all as an extract of the code as this is very specific to the problem. Hopefully someone will be able to offer a reason why? I have to say this is about the third time this has happened, different code each time. Probably the reason everyone says be careful editing the HTML. However, I do consider this to be a fault with the application.

    The problem Code:
    <td><img src="home_up.jpg" width="97" height="28"><img src="about_up.jpg" width="113" height="28"><img src="contact_up.jpg" width="122" height="28"><img src="news_up.jpg" width="84" height="28"><img src="checkout_up.jpg" width="129" height="28"><img src="banner_fill.jpg" width="180" height="28"></td>
    The code was changed to this and worked:
    <td><table width="725" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                        <td><img src="home_up.jpg" width="97" height="28"></td>
                        <td><img src="about_up.jpg" width="113" height="28"></td>
                        <td><img src="contact_up.jpg" width="122" height="28"></td>
                        <td><img src="news_up.jpg" width="84" height="28"></td>
                        <td><img src="checkout_up.jpg" width="129" height="28"></td>
    Anyone explain why Actinic should parse the second code section without causing a runtime error but have a problem with the first!

    Just thought I would share this gotcha with you all - three hours is a long time to lose and I have noted people talking of corrupt databases and bad HTML but in this case, Actinic is just fussy about what it wants to see.

    Alan Wyatt-Jones.
    Kind Regards,

    Alan Wyatt-Jones
    First4IT Solutions Limited

    I tried pasting your first line into Act_Primary.html here and there were no problems.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



      Thanks for trying the code.

      I have just recreated this problem again. I guess the problem occurs within the context of my specific Act_Primary.html file for some reason as opposed to the code fragment I quoted. Hence the reason you do not encounter the problem. I am running the latest version of GBGA which I presume you are too.

      I have attached two Act_Primary.html files one with the code that causes me a problem and one that does not. Could you test them please. If they work fine on your system, I have to admit I am stumped.

      I have to admit that Actinic does seem to defy logic sometimes. When I reinstated the good Act_Primary.html file the application still aborted until such time as I selected the Online Catalogue in the left hand pane and the preview below was built, I then moved away and moved back to the Online Catalogue, the bottom pane preview was built and then when I viewed an offiline preview the application no longer aborted! Weird.

      You may also want to try this as depending on what you did, this may explain why you did not see the problem.


      Attached Files
      Kind Regards,

      Alan Wyatt-Jones
      First4IT Solutions Limited


        I have attached two Act_Primary.html files one with the code that causes me a problem and one that does not. Could you test them please. If they work fine on your system, I have to admit I am stumped.
        I have checked both the templates and they seem to work fine on my default sites.

        When I reinstated the good Act_Primary.html file the application still aborted until such time as I selected the Online Catalogue in the left hand pane and the preview below was built, I then moved away and moved back to the Online Catalogue, the bottom pane preview was built and then when I viewed an offiline preview the application no longer aborted! Weird.
        when you switch between different templates actinic would require to be refreshed (which can be done by switching to different previews)to store the new changes.

        I hope this helps.

        Dhivya Malani

