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1and1 question re: domain transfers

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    1and1 question re: domain transfers

    Hi all,

    Sorry to ask this question here but I know theres a few experienced 1and1 users on board.

    So far I have been very impressed with this hosting company but ive just tried tech support and the first guy I could barely hear and the second guy had such a strong accent I quite simply could not understand him.

    I was trying to find out the ips tag of 1and1 and how long do they expect the transfer to take ? The guy mentioned the tag several times but for the life of me I could not decipher his dialect and all I got was 'about 7-10 days'.
    He was very polite but I simply could not understand him due to his accent.

    Anyone here ever transfered a name 'in' to 1and1 before ?

    Kind regards,


    Have a look in their online FAQs in your control panel.

    1&1 has a Nominet IPS Tag of "SCHLUND".

    Please ensure that before you request your existing Registrar or Nominet to change your domains TAG, you order the domain as a transfer from the 1&1 Control Panel or the 1&1 web site

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks Mike,

      I looked in the faq's and found lots about dns but couldnt find the tag. No wonder I had to ask him to say schlund 4 times Poor man must have thought I was deaf.

      Im more concerned with his comments about 7-10 days for the transfer to complete, never taken me longer than 24 hours before.

      Kind regards,



        1 and 1

        Re. telephone help.

        You tend to get the European help line in the morning. after about 1pm it switches to some sweatshop in the Philipines, but they are all jolly nice, and the thing is just to presevere and ask them to repeat 3 or 4 times, or ring back 4 hours later when you get a different call centre in a different time zone.

        re. transfering in

        it does take upto 7 days. (in my case it was a .tv domain) your best bet is to buy another domain, for instance I bought (cost £1.99 for 2 years) and used that to set-up a shop, and then when the domain transferred in (ten days later) it was 3 hours for to be live.

        Transfering in upto 10 days -depends on extension, .tv is one of the longest
        DNS pointing 24-48 hours
        changing destination directory 3 hours.

        If the bulk of your traffic comes from PPC or banner adverts, your URL is largely irrelevant

        But if you have a well established domain, I'm not sure what the answer is...

        Last edited by Sally Dickson; 14-Jun-2006, 10:21 PM. Reason: typo
        Sally Dickson
        Creative Catalogues Online - Brands & E-shops

        The Official Paddington Bear Shop
        The Official Bang on the Door Shop
        The Official Flower Fairies Shop
        The Official Miffy shop
        The Official Maisy Shop



          Thanks for your comments sally,

          7-10 days is an absolute "no way" for this particular domain, especially as its a client of mine who has just suffered total loss of all customers bookmarks due to my cheaper u.s host company changing the url address without my consent, all of his viewers are now clicking on bookmarks for a server that does not exist.

          This was my reason to sack the server company and join 1and1 but I have to admit that 7-10 days is well excessive as all my domain / ips tag transfers have taken no longer than 24 hours in the past and that includes full propagation worldwide.

          Looks like im stuck with url masking with this particular domain, which is a shame as I would like to steer clear of masking but to inform my client that there could be another 7-10 day delay before allowing customers to bookmark would be the end of my business relationship with him !

          Ho hum, the joys of web building..............
          Kind regards,




            My tech help trials continue. I have now had 3 converstions and 1 email response and they have all given different answers, maybe 1 of the other 1and1 users would like to help me out.

            Im trying to find out if I will suffer 7-10 days downtime on my domain if I transfer it to them - they have answered yes and no.

            Secondly, if I transfer my domain will it mask the url of ******** to and not show the server address anywhere in the browser other than - they have answered yes and no.

            Lastly, im trying to use their website builder tool and also upload my own flash files but the web tool appears to take over the whole server and deny access to any other files I have placed. Again they have answered yes and no.

            This is all starting to sound very familiar...

            Kind regards,




              goodbye 1and1

              Yep, same old same old c@ap

              I just spent ages explaining my questions to perfection with a 1and1 tech guy, he clearly ddint know his backside from his elbow with regards to server setups and told me he had to go away - put me on hold - and then ask someone else, I was on hold for ages and then I got cut off.

              That was the last straw and im about to cancel and demand a refund. No offence to those using 1and1 but I draw the line at having simple questions answered hesistantly and conflicting with different members of the company tech staff and getting so rudely and deliberately cut off was the icing on the cake.

              Pay peanuts = get monkeys
              I should have known better

              Thanks to all who have helped
              Kind regards,




                Non-specialised hosts like 1 and 1 for Actinic, basically requires that you have the technical expertise to answer your own hosting questions. They are fine for a vanilla Actinic site, but any add-ons are a minefield.

                Much better to go with a specialised host, like Pinbrook or Artinet if you are likely to need support with site configuration.
                Last edited by wjcampbe; 15-Jun-2006, 05:10 PM. Reason: Spelling
                Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                  And for domain names the best advice I can give is to use someone like 123-reg to register the domain names and you can then point the domain at the nameservers of any host. It's cheap, easy to do and you get none of these delay hassles when you have to change host.


                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    Thanks for the input bill,

                    Im not even using them for actinic, got my shop elsewhere with no problems. Not being able to answer simple dns questions, giving out conflicting advice and cutting off calls is the mark of a company that does not care and one that I certainly dont wish to deal with.

                    Im now off to find yet another host.
                    Kind regards,




                      Originally posted by olderscot
                      And for domain names the best advice I can give is to use someone like 123-reg to register the domain names and you can then point the domain at the nameservers of any host. It's cheap, easy to do and you get none of these delay hassles when you have to change host.

                      Couldnt agree more, I use and they have been excellent for years.
                      Kind regards,




                        I have domains with not the .com and they can be a real pain to deal with. I got so much strife once I went to Slough, (fortunately not too far for me to go) to sort it out. Fair to point out it wasn't them causing the original problem but just exacerbated the issue by not answering what I wrote.

                        Just recently I moved from Demon to and have the domain with pointing to pinbrook's servers. propagation took 24hours which was a big surprise and was a seamless transfer. So I'm a happy bunny in that respects.

                        I agree with Bill that Actinic should be with a specialist and use 1and1 or whoever to park the domain and use them for web space if something easy is required.
                        Several of my Flash sites written in Flash are there and some plain vanilla .html sites too.

                        But from what I read the longer you take to decide will only exacerbate the problems you have with down time.

                        Ph: 0845 838 1 839
                        Skype: GiftsLine


                          Ive just had an email reply from 1and1 telling me that my questions are 'nonsensical' how rude and incorrect is that!

                          Boy am I glad I didnt transfer the whole lot over to them and im wondering if im likely to see the promised refund

                          Another bad hosting experience for me.
                          Kind regards,



