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Section going mad

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    Section going mad

    Help Major Access Database Problem with Actinic

    We have a little probelm, we are doing some development work on one of our shoppis, the inputs all done on one pc and then the database is coppied to another pc to be check then finaly uploaded, but we have found a problem, when we copy the database from on pc to the other one some of the sections mess up or links we have set up to related products dissapear, all the save files are on both pc.

    We have done a compant and repair on the database but it still happening, I am a access developer, and I know access should not be doing this, but it is.

    Any one any ideas...


    Are you just copying the access database or transfering an Actinic snapshot?To transfer a site from one PC to another you should create a snapshot on the source PC and import it on the destination PC.


      I tried it both ways and it still going wrong, we have done a snap shot and then imported that back in and sections are still going wrong, we also just copped the mdb file from one pc to the other, including the new graphics file ect and it still gose wrong.

      I have run a repaire in access on the database and still the same thing.

      I also created a blank database and impored the tables, with data and still the same thing.

      Any Ideas. Or actinic on the other pc just screwed!


        Presumably you can export and import a snapshot on the same source PC OK? If so then I would recommend reinstalling Actinic on the destination PC and try importing again. (An Actinic snapshot contains more than just the access database - I wouldn't try just copying the database over)


          I not tried that yet, but i will, what i can't understand is why coppying the DB file screwes up so bad, actinic stores all product related info in the database files, should the logical conclution been as long as both pc have the same files on them, and it only the DB and a few graphics files that change should it not be the case that copying the db file accross should not Kill the DB file.

          is ACTINIC just playing silly buggers. I done it before where i used to work between home and work, 2 diffrent pc running diffrent configs ext and it never ones when wrong, but here it has.

          Can any one from actinic shead any ligh on what going on!




            Usually taking a DB over should not cause any issues. It is however advisable to take over a snapshot to make sure that both installations are the same, once that is doen moving a DB between both should not cause issues. It is however to always make a backup / snapshot, before and after major changes to ensure you have a point of return.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King

