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    Hi everyone,

    I am currently setting up a new site with this wonderful new actinic package. However, I was wondering if there was any way to create a sort of static page for me to be able to have a new section?

    If not, is there a way of placing a product somewhere that cannot be seen categories but can be reached through the nav bar link?


    You can use brouchure pages to create information type pages.


      Ahh brilliant. That is exactly what I was looking for. However, inside the brochure page it seems to have gone back to the default nav bar and logo. Any way I can change this?

      Never mind, found the problem


        The brouchure pages are built from a separate template to the product pages - you will need to transfer the design used for the product pages to the brouchure template. Exactly how to do this will depend on how your site has been setup ie has a designer produced it for you or are you using a theme.

        If the site is live then a link would help

