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Locked out with multiple sites on one PC - not developer edition

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    Locked out with multiple sites on one PC - not developer edition

    I have 3 separate Actinic Business websites installed on a single PC, each with its own serial number. I accidentally imported an incorrect snapshot into a non-matching instance of Actinic and now I am presented with the message:

    You appear to be using the same software key for two separate Actinic sites. This is a violation of the software license agreement.

    As a result I now cannot open Actinic at all.

    I genuinely have all three serial numbers; bought directly from Actinic. Has anyone come accross this before? Any ideas how I can get back into the sites without re-installing all the software?


    I would call Actinic before they close for the weekend and see what they say.


      Did you manage to resolve this?

      One suggestion is to use the Windows registry editor to set the license keys for the sites. Please be really careful when doing this though.

      If you go to 'Start | Run' in windows and then type 'regedit' you will get into the registry editor.

      Use the folders down the left hand side of the window to navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Actinic\Catalog7\Sites

      Within this folder will be a folder for each site in Actinic. Within each site folder is a folder called 'Catalog'. If you click on these 'Catalog' folders you'll see appearing at the right a value called 'AuthorisationKey'. Check the value of this for your three sites. Once you have figured out which ones are matching when they shouldn't be, double-click on the 'AuthorisationKey' value to enter a new license key.

      Please do this really carefully as the registry can affect lots of different areas of your windows installation.

