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Update fails to work

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    Update fails to work

    All of a sudden, my site is failing to update.

    It goes through all the checks (checking and sending files etc.) and arrives at the OK prompt as if there has been no problem but when I check online none of the changes have been implimented. I do notice that it does not list the altered page in the 'sending catalogue files' proceedure and whizzes through as if there were no changes.

    I have tried having added new items, hidden items on site, and deleted items. None of this is implimented.

    Occasionally, after a few attempts I get a general error occured message.

    If I refresh the site it puts everything right and to the current state.

    The online store for Briggs and Stratton spare parts

    ok so a refresh works but the update doesn't...

    Occasionally, after a few attempts I get a general error occured message.
    could you provide more info on the error message please


      I knew you would ask that. I've just tried updating a few more times and although it's still not sending the pages I can't get it to throw an error message at me.

      There were two, the first would say something about an error occured reading from 'from' and the next reported a checking error 'large number' was expected to be 'different large number', the site must be refreshed.

      Sorry to be less than specific.

      The second message came up with the update following the first message.

      The online store for Briggs and Stratton spare parts


        Just in case this gives any more clues.

        I have pinned down when it started.

        Last night I copied a product and pasted it as a new product(not duplicate) into another section and altered the description. It was given a new product number by actinic and all seemed well.
        This was the first change that failed to update although I didn't realise it at the time.

        I add/remove products and update numerous times daily and have never before had a problem.

        The online store for Briggs and Stratton spare parts


          'from' and the next
          i'm guessing this error is the one about the .fil files so the first thing i would try, would be to ftp to this website, and go to the /acatalog/ folder. Delete all .cat and .fil files. Once you have done this, go to his site1 folder and do the same (delete .cat and .fil).

          Now go to "Web | Refresh Website"

          let me know....


            I'll try it tomorrow.



            The online store for Briggs and Stratton spare parts


              Tried that, deleted all the .fil and .cat files both on fpt and site 1, did a refresh, checked the site.

              I then marked one product as 'hide on website' and uploaded. It still did not send the amended page and the item still appears on the site.

              I have then done another refresh and the item has been removed.

              Everything else seems fine, orders are coming through ok etc.


              The online store for Briggs and Stratton spare parts


                Maybe a bit more evidence.

                I have just tried from my home computer.

                Loaded up the snapshot and updated the database.

                I then removed a product and uploaded.

                It uploaded loads of files and pages(The actinic copy at home rarely gets updated). I got the 'error reading from 'from' message at the end of the process.

                I then made another change to the product range and tried again.

                No error messages but it did not list any pages as uploading.

                After this I checked the site and it is still exactly as it was before doing all this.


                The online store for Briggs and Stratton spare parts


                  when you move actinic from one PC to another the first upload will always be a refresh.

                  why it doesn't upload the changed files is a mystery to me, maybe someone else will have an idea


                    I just found this post! I posted exactly the same problem a little while ago. I'm overselling inventory like crazy, which is obviously a huge issue. And it takes over 2 hours to load the entire site, so I need to quickly find out why the changed files only aren't being updated.



                      There has been a load of posts in the last couple of days about sites not uploading, one reason has been the new version of zone alarm.

                      If you are running ZA run a forum search to see the discussions

