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Indexed Pages (via Google)

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    Indexed Pages (via Google)

    Hi All

    I currently have about 320 pages indexed on Google, it has been more in the past. After looking at the indexed pages alot of them are for the main section or sub sections, not for the actual products within these sub sections. I have done what i think is sensible page titles and meta descriptions but whenever i try to search for one of my products i am generally there or there abouts but only via the sitemap, any ideas how i may get around this so it links directly to the deep content URL i.e. the exact page.

    Look forward to reading your thoughts.


    Further to my original message posted.

    Hi All (again)

    Further to my original message - when i update the site i generally dont do a purge, is it better if i did this?

    Also, with regard to my indexed pages - the list which Google produces starts generally with the most updated ones first (by Google, not myself) - by the time i get to the third or fourth pages it shows that my pages were last indexed Feb'06, Jan'06 and well before, nothing more recent - am i doing something that is stopping the engines getting through to visit my pages again.

    (Sorry for not putting the above in the original message just posted).




      I would refer you back to your similar posts in January and your SEO company:
      Structure is part of a process of Search Engine Optimisation Copyright of Just Search LTD 2005


        Totally agree on some fronts, but not all.

        Thanks for the reply and your help in the past.



          Totally agree on some fronts, but not all
          I dont understand your comment. Looking at your site little has changed since you last posted when it was strongly suggested that you look at the problems associated with your home page - untill you sort this out I dont think things will improve.


            Hi Malcolm

            To our homepage (via the SEO), the following have now been added - links to XML sitemap, HTML sitemap, Actinic sitemap amongst a few other things (go to homepage, scroll right down to bottom, including scrolling the scroll bar at the bottom). I dont think these were on here last time we spoke.



              No they were not BUT the area you have put them is not the best as it may not be spidered by google and you will have wasted your time. I still suggest you redesign your home page and get rid of any of the odd things in it such as the box you are talking about. Do you need a home page such as this - It looks like it was only built so the SEO company could gain access, consider having your catalog page as your index? - one less page to navigate.

              Google is getting more agressive in its efforts to block sites using Black Hat SEO - the box you have could be considered one in my opinion.


                Totally agree with Malcolm on this one, your acatalog/index.html is stuffed full of keywords and will get indexed, so will your catalog pages.

                Your root index is simply search engine fodder and in time search engines will bypass this type of page altogether.

                The only method to get pages indexed is to play by the rules and not try to be clever, ie use page titles and body text to create your copy for SEs.

                Work on the fact if someone is looking for electric towel rails they will enter the site at

                this page is already well set up for this key phrase

