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    Product rating

    Hi all.

    I'd like to add a 'Rate this product' link to every product on my site. I've just spent 3 hours searching for something I can use (in ASP) but have drawn a blank. I've browsed all the best sites (ie asp101, aspin, hotscripts, etc).

    Does anyone have a solution for this? Ideally I'd like people to rate between 1 and 5 showing the results as a graphic - ie, 3 out of 5 stars.

    I'd be grateful if anyone can offer any advice (other than "write it yourself")

    Thanks in advance,
    David Webb
    A2Z Computing Ltd



    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Originally posted by olderscot


      Thanks for the reply. I had looked on this site the other day but was hoping to find something cheaper. Also, they are not available to buy as they are being re-developed.

      I did find a free PHP script to do what I want but my pages are ASP.

      David Webb
      A2Z Computing Ltd


        That's the only one I know of that works directly with Actinic. I would imagine any other off the shelf script is going to need some coding effort to integrate into the templates and pick up the product IDs from actinic.

        If there's a PHP script that does what you want then you could use that as a base for converting to asp. It shouldn't take too much work for anyone familiar with asp and you could probably get it done quite cheaply using one of these online coder services.

        I have a joke database and rating system I wrote once while playing around with php and there isn't really that much to the code.


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


