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Change Owner of *.num - Which Owner?

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    Change Owner of *.num - Which Owner?


    An Actinic store that I maintain has been having some connectivity problems since I used our remote backup feature to restore the account yesterday.

    The following error is been received when we try to download orders:

    The web script was unable to open the specified file.

    Possible Cause:
    Permissions problems
    The permissions on the acatalog directory are locked
    The permissions on the file on the acatalog directory are locked
    The path from the cgi-bin to acatalog directory is incorrect
    or the directory has been renamed or removed
    Check the permissions of the web site.
    The files and directories need to be readable
    and writable by the web server
    Run the Web | Configure Web Site Details command to
    verify your setup

    Command: retrieve Filename:
    I have read which helped.

    For some reason, the permissions of Order.num and Backup.num were set to 600. I couldn't change these or do anything with the file using the standard FTP login, so I had to login to root to change the permissions to 777.

    I have asked my client to try download the orders again, and do a test order and try downloading them, now that the permissions are set to 777.

    In case that doesn't work, I am hoping you could help me with the following.

    In the knowledge base answer that I referenced above, it says:
    "Change the owner of the *.num files to the username of the process that is the effective user that runs the perl scripts. Place a test order to check that the scripts can determine the next order number."

    I am able to change the owner of the *.num files via root, but I'm unsure of what the user should be set to.

    I didn't setup the Actinic store, so I have very limited knowledge of the software, which is probably why I'm a little confused. I'm not sure what the "username of the process that the effective user that runs the perl scripts" is.

    I wonder if somebody could help me find out what this is?

    Thanks in advance.


    Just a quick update on this.

    It seems changing the file permissions to 777 didn't resolve the problem.

    The only option now is to change the user of the .num files, but I am still unsure of which user these should be changed to.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance.




      If you open the 'acatalog' folder via FTP, you will see the files listed, the last column on each file usually displays the FTP Owner name of the file. The *.num file must have the same FTP owner as the rest of the files, which effectively is the FTP Username for the Actinic site.

      Kind regards,
      Bruce King


        Thanks Bruce.

        I logged in to SSH via root and changed the owner and the group owner to the same as the rest of the files, which was, like you quite rightly said, the Web hosting account username.

        However, this still hasn't resolved the problem.

        Is there anything else that could be causing this problem, and a way to resolve it?

        Just for reference, customers are also seeing the following error when trying to order:

        An error occurred while creating the order number lock file (../acatalog/OrderLock.num). The error was Permission denied. Actinic ecommerce can not create a unique order number and can not continue. Please contact us directly with your order.
        I realise there are plenty of threads on this topic, all of which suggest changing the owner of the .num files which I have done, but it hasn't worked.

        the /acatalog directory has the permissions 777.

        Within the /acatalog directory are the following file types and permissions:

        .session - 200
        .save - 200
        .cat - 644
        .occ - 600
        .ord - 200
        .html - 644
        .txt - 644
        .js - 644
        .fil - 644
        .num - 600

        That all seems correct to me, so I can't see where the error is coming from.

        Any help would be greatly appreciated.

        Best Regards



          Sorry to bug you like this Bruce (or anybody else willing to take a stab at this). The problem is still presisting, and my (untrained) Actinic eye just isn't seeing anything which is causing the problem.

          There must be something there which is causing it, but I certainly don't see it.

          Best Regards



            Hi Jamie,

            If Orderlock.num and Backup.num exist in the acatalog folder then delete OrderLock.num and set the permissions of Backup.num to 777, place a test order this will recover Order.num from Backup.num, then reset the permissions of Backup.num to 600. Make sure the owner is correct.

            Then try downloading orders and see if the error persists. If the issue does not resolve I would suggest raising a support query @ or if you have cover call in and some one will then be able to get FTP details or a snapshot of the site off you so that we can then check to see what is happening.

            Something that caught my attention
            For some reason, the permissions of Order.num and Backup.num were set to 600. I couldn't change these or do anything with the file using the standard FTP login, so I had to login to root to change the permissions to 777.
            The FTP user account that is used in Actinic should have sufficient permissions to write to Order.num, OrderLock.num and Backup.num, if this is lacking then there will be issues. Worth checking.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King


              I'm sorry to bring this thread about of the archive temple, but I'm having the same problem again, only this time the resolution suggested by Bruce hasn't fixed the issue.

              I have spent a total of 70 minutes on hold with Actinic this morning, so I'm resorting to using the forums. I understand they are understaffed, so I'm not complaining.

              We completed a PHP upgrade last night to PHP 4.4.4.

              Since then, a customer has been unable to download their orders.

              I followed Bruce's advice from when this last happened in June. So, I deleted orderlock.num and set the permissions on Backup.num to 777 and made sure the owner of this file was set to the ftp username (Which I am 99% sure is the correct owner, although I could be wrong). I then had my customer place a test order, which went through without any problems, and as expected this retrieved Order.num and I made sure the owner for that file was set to the FTP username. I then changed the permissions for Backup.num to 600.

              I then had my customer try and download his orders but he is still getting the error:

              The web script was unable to open the specified file.

              Possible Cause:
              Permissions problems
              The permissions on the acatalog directory are locked
              The permissions on the file on the acatalog directory are locked
              The path from the cgi-bin to acatalog directory is incorrect
              or the directory has been renamed or removed
              Check the permissions of the web site.
              The files and directories need to be readable
              and writable by the web server
              Run the Web | Configure Web Site Details command to
              verify your setup

              Command: retrieve Filename:
              The following file extensions have these owners:

              .session (ftp_username:ftp_username)
              .save (nobody:nobody)
              .cat (ftp_username:ftp_username)
              .occ (Files created before the PHP upgrade - nobody:nobody. after the upgrade - ftp_username:ftp_username)
              .ord (Files created before the PHP upgrade - nobody:nobody. after the upgrade - ftp_username:ftp_username)
              Backup.num (ftp_username:ftp_username)
              .fil (ftp_username:ftp_username)
              Order.num (ftp_username:ftp_username)

              I'm really not sure where the problem is, or how I fix it.

              Any help would be greatly appreciated.


                I'm not really an expert on servers but this
                .occ (Files created before the PHP upgrade - nobody:nobody. after the upgrade - ftp_username:ftp_username)
                .ord (Files created before the PHP upgrade - nobody:nobody. after the upgrade - ftp_username:ftp_username)
                COULD be the problem. ord and occ files are retrieved from the site via an http call to the Perl. If the ftp user owns the ord files - then, it could be that the http call cannot get at the files.

                Try checking the permissions on your Perl files. The *.pl files should be 755 and the *.pm files should be 644.


                  Ntl server problems

                  My knowledge of ftp is limited.

                  The Hammer Shop ( is hosted on the same server as the main website.

                  Last week the server details were changed, obviously we had quite a few problems which have been resolved, but I am left with this one error which is stopping customer orders:

                  An error occurred while creating the order number lock file (../htdocs/acatalog/OrderLock.num). The error was Permission denied. Actinic ecommerce can not create a unique order number and can not continue. Please contact us directly with your order.

                  I use cuteftp to access the server. I have read the previous posts and
                  1) I can't change the owner of the orderlock.num backup.num files
                  2) the permissions on these files are set at 600 - the server does not allow me change these permissions.

                  I have completly Refreshed the site, is there anything else I can do tonight to get the site working, or do I have to wait until NTL/Actinic helpdesks are live?


                  Sally Dickson
                  Creative Catalogues Online - Brands & E-shops

                  The Official Paddington Bear Shop
                  The Official Bang on the Door Shop
                  The Official Flower Fairies Shop
                  The Official Miffy shop
                  The Official Maisy Shop



                    If you can't change the owner or permissions then you'll have to contact your host. However if you are sure you have no orders then you can delete the orderlock.num and backup.num files and then use troublshooting to reset the order number to the next number. The next order made on the site will cause Actinic to recreate the required .num files.



                      That works!

                      Thanks so much... the hammer shop is back.

                      Sally Dickson
                      Creative Catalogues Online - Brands & E-shops

                      The Official Paddington Bear Shop
                      The Official Bang on the Door Shop
                      The Official Flower Fairies Shop
                      The Official Miffy shop
                      The Official Maisy Shop


