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How to mark specials shipped

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    How to mark specials shipped

    Hi guys,

    I always deal with odd questions, we have set up a number of specials, they all work fine. Once the products are delivered associated with the special for example,

    Gardern writers, get 5 pick & mix packs free, they choose the ones they want and we delivery them, great works fine. Problems is that you can not mark the special itself as completed or shipped, so if you do a report usually generate them in access, these products keep on coming up.

    Is it possible to mark them completed?

    Any suggests are welcome, thanks Mash


    Can you explain yourself a bit please. I did not quite understand what you mean. How do the Garden Writers choose and add to basket on your website? Are these set up as associated products?

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Hi there,

      Been on holiday hence the radio silence.

      We set up a coupon for the writers to access this offer, the writer's use a code and they can then get this free pack which works very well.

      However the offer adjustment comes up in the reports we generate, due to the way the products are delivered through the year, we need to generate better reports than Actnic offers so we use Access to do that, as the adjsutment does not get shipped, it is picked up in the report, looking at an order the adjustment also does not have an order quality so it would be possible to filter on that I guess.

      Delivery as always been an issue for us, not helped by the way we work. It would be very useful to be able to allocate a product to a particular delivery window, could as a simple number and then do a picking list for that delivery time. In our case, the picking list show the whole order therefore makes it hard work when trying to send out only July plants!

      Hope you can follow all that, kind regards Mash

