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Special Delivery Instructions in Owner Email

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    Special Delivery Instructions in Owner Email

    Is it possible to include the special delivery instructions in the email sent to the site owner whent they receive a copy of the order confirmation.
    Last edited by CreativeNRG; 22-Jun-2006, 10:27 AM. Reason: Spelling Correction

    Special Instructions

    Not a direct answer to your questions, but I get a print-out of the special instructions for delivery by printing the Data Entry Sheet from the Orders tab on Actinic. I use this Data Entry Sheet to process the order on Sage. Though the special instruction imports into somewhere on Sage (I think somewhere in the sales order file), it isn't in the right place for me. I manually type the instruction from the Data Entry Sheet onto the Delivery Address tab of the Customer file to print the instruction out as a label to use on packages, along with a label for the delivery address.



      Unfortunately doesn't offer a solution to my problem as the store owner currently procsses orders from the confirmation emails but thanks for response.


        Hi Simon,

        How are you collecting the special delivery instructions? If you are doing this using the 'User Defined' field in Design | Text | Web Site(Cont) | Invoice address, then this will appear in the email that the customer gets as well as the copy that is sent using Business Settings | Ordering 'Send Receipt email copies to'.

        An example:
        Dear Actinic Test,

        Thank you for shopping at My Company .
        We have received and are processing the following order:

        Order Number: AT345610000005
        Order Date: 26 June 2006 13:15 GMT

        Ship To:
        Actinic Test
        Actinic Test
        Actinic Test
        Actinic Test
        United Kingdom
        Actinic Test
        neighbours postbox please

        Shopping Cart (Prices in British Pounds)
        Pair of Men's Walking Boots 1 £42.55 £42.55
        - Size: 7
        To be paid on Delivery -£21.28
        Subtotal: £21.27
        Shipping (Second Class Post): £0.71
        VAT: £3.85
        Total: £25.83


        My Contact
        My Job Title
        My Company

        My Street
        My Town
        United Kingdom
        My Phone Number
        I have made the special delivery instructions, bold. Please ignore the wording!!

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          I was collecting the delivery instriuctions from the NETQUOTEVAR:SHIPUSERDEFINED input box which I would have thought was a fairly logical place ? I will give your suggestion a go and see how we get on.

          What I am still failing to see is the value for money in paying for support(or lack of it). Why could the person(VJ) on the end of the telephone at support not have suggested this instead of saying it is not possible to include the information in the emails. Since paying for support, every time we have called we have had a negative response along the lines of 'no Actinic cannot do that', so I ask the question why did we pay £250(or whatever it is) for support only to be told on numerous occassions that Actinic is incapable of doing what we consider to be fairly fundamental things for an ecommerce package.


            Hi Simon, Sorry I can speak for what you have said about Support, however, a quick search on the community resulted in the following:

            So it looks like you can do, I would search the forums, as most of the answers can be found here.


              Originally posted by PeterKillian
              Hi Simon, Sorry I can speak for what you have said about Support, however, a quick search on the community resulted in the following:

              So it looks like you can do, I would search the forums, as most of the answers can be found here.
              I had read that post prior to asking the question however it involves modifying the perl files and Actinic have said in the past thay will not support modified installations. In addition the user said that the solution did not work.


                Hi Simon, Yes Actinic say they will not support modified perlscript, however if you have a problem with the database, then they should be able to help you. It just they cannot fix script, so you would need to go back to the originals if sometimes happens. I checked in the s/ware and there is no way to achieve what you want, unless you change the perlscript. I have applied the perlscript for a customer site and it works for me. Looking at the link I have given you, it also worked for asbrins, who wrote in the v7 forum.

                Looks like this is the only way to go if you want the information on the email

