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Catch-22 ?

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    Catch-22 ?

    I have two questions which relate to a problem that I am having with opening Actinic & import of Snapshot.

    Problem 1. ‘The specified key he is missing or wrong in the Layout ini file.’.

    Firstly we included some pdf.'s to the website, and took a snapshot after closing down. The next time we tried to opened Actinic, it refused, with the typical phrase this ‘The specified key is missing or wrong in the Layout ini file.’. I have had this before and from solutions on the Actinic Community, have followed the instructions and resolve this issue. This time, I have done the same things – substituted the Brochure and Primary templates but Actinic still wont open! Is there another way to open Actinic. It seems like Actinic is more user friendly to those who understand programming because the slightest misdemeanour (from amatures) causes a major problem and there does not seem to be any way of checking what the problem is - like an auditing system report.

    Problem 2. ‘Site Upgrader’

    Continuation of the problem No.1 ……………I have copied the Snapshot files (incl. the one which would not re-open) and loaded them on to a portable Hard Drive, transferring them on to a 2nd computer. I have loaded Actinic on this in its raw state, and have transferred these files to the back up folder, then imported the Snapshot to a position just before we had the problem of Actinic not opening. Every time a Snapshot is imported, after transfer of files, the ‘Site Upgrader’ kicks in.
    Why is it automatic?
    It seems to compare the current Online Site with the imported snapshot and over writes it with the Current site!

    I have look through Help Pages to find out more about this ‘Site Upgrader’ process and how to control it but find almost nothing of help. The only way I can stop it from running, is to pull the Network link out - stopping it connecting to the internet. Although an initial cancel button appears, stabbing at this button does nothing to stop the process of upgrading! Afterwards it says I must restart Actinic.

    The other puzzle relating to this is my main computer does not have Site Upgrader kicking in. Why? Not that I want it to.

    The Combined problem – No.1 & No. 2 = Big Problem

    1. I managed to load Actinic program on 2nd computer and import to the point just before the ‘current problem Snapshot’ with ‘The specified key is missing or wrong in the Layout ini file.’ No problem so far.
    2. Now I import ‘the problem snapshot’ and it loads but 2 messages come up at the end of loading.

    There was a problem up grading the file:
    Message 1
    C:\ Program Files\ Actinic v7\SiteUpgrade\upgade v7.03 0.0 0.0 0.0. FBIA\ Site1\Themes\Act_Primart.html with file
    GT SERVICES\Act_Primary.html

    Message 2
    C:\ Program Files\ Actinic v7\SiteUpgrade\upgade v7.03 0.0 0.0 0.0. FBIA\ Site1\Themes\Act_Primart.html with file
    GT SERVICES\Act_BrochurePrimary.html

    In short – what do I do to resolve the problem of Actinic opening up ? ……’Site Upgrader’ is just incidental but causes a big problem because after it has finished running, it states that ‘ I must restart Actinic’ ………. And when I try to ….it wont start !!!! up comes the ‘The specified key he is missing or wrong in the Layout ini file.’.
    Catch- 22 ?

    Forgive me for becoming a regular to these problem pages, when I bought Actinic I did not realise how many gremlins there would be with the package. I am not a computer programmer and can't resolve some of the problems. Actinic Support’s attitude is one of – because you customised the template we don’t want to know. So I hope you guys can shed some light on resolving these issues. Thanks.

    If this has come up before please redirect me.

    To answer your second question first

    The site upgrader kicks in when the version of Actinic used to create the snapshot is NOT the same version as the installation you are trying to upload to. It is automatic, because the programme cannot work with the files if they are not the same version.

    The upgrader compares the files in your snapshot to the files in the installed version, and rewrites the snapshot files so they can be opened with that installed version.

    To avoid the automatic site upgrade, install the same version as you made the snapshot from. (if you were using 7.0.1 install 7.0.1 - if you were using 7.0.6 install 7.0.6.

    Once both versions are the same, your snapshot should import without Site Upgrader running.

    Then we will find out if you still have problem 1 or if it has been solved.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      Hi Bill

      Yessss ….. that has sorted the dreaded Site Upgrader running. I had downloaded a patch on Main Computer but not the other backup computer.

      Now I have been able to get to the point of importing the penultimate snapshot that worked and been able to close and open ok. However, as soon as I import the latest snapshot ………at least Site Upgrader is out of the picture…………….I can move around it and do preview etc. The site works even on line after upload. BUT as soon as we come out and close down Actinic (like normal) everything looks and seems ok until we try to open it up again and back comes the Warning message :
      ‘The specified key he is missing or wrong in the Layout ini file.’

      It takes so long to purge the computer of Actinic and reload and update the new Patch that I have loaded a copy of the whole Actinic that works ‘Penultimate copy’ on portable hard drive so it only now takes 10 minutes to get back to importing the last/bad import.

      Now I have substituted PrimaryTemplates.ini into Site 1 as before and triple checked every action – i.e. from Formats – Themes – Curves and it will still not load. I’m back with the same message.
      ‘The specified key he is missing or wrong in the Layout ini file.’

      I even replaced BrochurePrimaryTemplates.ini and still nothing.

      After scanning through Community on this I am at a loss what to do – It’s a pity there is no warning message on the way out of Actinic to say ‘Exit and you are going to be locked out!’ and waste a whole day/s trying to get back in!

      Suggestions / help much appreciated – I’m getting desperately frustrated here!.


        OK, is the error coming because you tried to add a file to Layout.ini and didn't get it quite right?

        If so, as soon as the bad snapshot is loaded, edit Layout ini and get rid of the bad data.

        In fact it may be easier to save layout ini to layoutbackup.txt before you load the snapshot, then once it has loaded delete layout ini and rename the backup.
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          Hi Bill

          Now this is going to show how greenhorn I am …… which is the Layout.ini file?
          Because this is going to help me narrow down where to look for the ‘bad data’

          my Home & Contacts Page Layout = GT SERVICES\Act_BrochurePrimary .hmtl
          2nd page Layout = Act_BrochurePrimary_2
          3rd page Layout = Act_BrochurePrimary_2 same data etc
          4th page Layout = Act_BrochurePrimary_2 same data
          5th page Layout = Act_BrochurePrimary_2 same data
          or will it be one of the Catalogue pages ????? So do I have three choices or is it the 1st layout in line i.e. BrochurePrimary because I can see the logic in replacing this .....but it didnt work .


            It will be whichever one of these you have altered - or all of them

            Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
            BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
            Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
            VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
            Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


              Hi Bill

              Alleluia!….. we’re sorted ……. It wasn’t me it was someone else …….. who didn’t put the href ‘useful links’ in the Brochure Primary template

              <td><a href="" target="_self"><img name="lmenu_testimo" src="lmenu_testimo.gif" width="175" height="33" border="0" alt="Testimonials"></a></td>

              AND added this at the end of the BrochureTemplate.ini

              [usefulLink of Act_TextAndTitle.html]

              All this because I wanted to put pdfs on the site but found it too difficult to understand how they were explained on other threads.

              Thanks again for your help as you pointed me in the right direction and sorted that 'Site Upgrader' problem out.

              I’m off for a big drink !!!!!


                Well done, and another lesson here for everybody.

                Keep notepad (or similar) open while you work and note every change that you (or anyone else with your knowledge) make to the site contents. Then when it breaks, you know what changes may need to be undone.

                And you can check/remake the changes when you upgrade, too.
                Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                Located: Alexandria, EGYPT

