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Customers registering for an account

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    Customers registering for an account

    I have followed the advance guide on "Allowing Customers to Register for Accounts Online. It is working fine except for one problem. When the customer goes to checkout once all the details are complete it adds 2nd class shipping onto the order, obviously all i want is for customers to send there details through so i can set the accounts up. Not charge them to set it up. Can anyone help? Thanks


    If you are shipping by weight, you would need to assign a weight of 0.00kg to the product in the details tab. In Business Settings | Shipping & Handling | .. add in a row against your shipping classes of Weight : 0.00 Cost £0.00. If you are already shipping by weight, check to see if a weight of 0.00 is specifically assigned to this product. If the weight field is left blank, Actincic will take the default weight as defined in Business Settings | Shipping & Handling |'Default Weight in Kg's', which is usually set to a default of 0.25.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King

