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Simplifying the checkout procedure

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    Simplifying the checkout procedure

    Hi all,
    I'm keen to make the checkout procedure as simple as possible for our lovely customers but I'm a little stuck.

    1. I would like the country to default to UK, is that possible?

    2. I only allow Credit Card payments and have all other payment options disabled but I still have to go through the Payment Method page and press next anyway, how do I make it skip that page?

    3. I have shared SSL space with Actinic at the moment and I would like our logo on the credit card page, is that possible? I'm worried that customers suddenly see a different looking page and get worried.

    4. Finally, where is the background colour for the credit card page defined? I've twiddled with every colour setting I can find but it's still horrid.

    Many thanks from a loyal support-paying customer!


    Jez Siddons
    Peak Electronic Design Limited

    Hi Jez

    Sorry for the delay in providing you with an answer...

    1. I would like the country to default to UK, is that possible?
    Not automatically. All you can really do is take a look at the generated drop-down list code that is in the checkout. Then copy the <select> box to the clipboard and paste it into the template called Act_LocationSelectTemplate.html in place of 'NETQUOTEVAR:LOCATIONCOUNTRY' (you might want to comment out this variable rather than remove it. Then you can add selected="selected" in the <option> tag for the United Kingdom.
    2. I only allow Credit Card payments and have all other payment options disabled but I still have to go through the Payment Method page and press next anyway, how do I make it skip that page?
    Not possible I'm afraid. You could always justify that page by include one of the 'General Information' questions, or adding some custom text into Act_Order02.html to do with assurances about security etc.
    3. I have shared SSL space with Actinic at the moment and I would like our logo on the credit card page, is that possible? I'm worried that customers suddenly see a different looking page and get worried.
    Sadly this is not possible, It only takes the company name and the company background colour accross. Which leads nicely onto...
    4. Finally, where is the background colour for the credit card page defined? I've twiddled with every colour setting I can find but it's still horrid.
    It is definitely the 'Background' field in 'Design | Colors'. If the field is blanked out (due to using a background image) then go to 'Design | Options | Site Defaults' and take off the image, then set the colour, then put the image back again.


      Hi Chris,

      Many thanks for your reply, much appreciated.

      If I beg vigourously, what are the chances of allowing companies to have their logo on the Credit Card page? For a company of your calibre it must be possible :-), especially for your customers that pay for using your SSL space and pay for support every year. Go on, you know you want to.

      Apologies for being cheeky!


      Jez Siddons
      Peak Electronic Design Limited


        We did look at doing this, but the problem is that we would have to link back to logos on the merchant's webserver - and these webservers might not be able to support an https:// connection. This would lead to the dreaded 'this page contains a mixture of secure and non-secure items' message.

        I've passed on your request to the developers anyway.


          Fair enough. What if you did it as a favour to lovely customers who ask nicely and you can plop the logo file into your own server SSL space?

          I promise to let it lie now!

          Many thanks,
          Jez Siddons
          Peak Electronic Design Limited


            Can I add my weight to this request please?

            The shared SSL page is great, but looks Sooo unprofessional!

            Even a company logo and the 'Actinic shared SSL' logo would go some way towards making it look more 'safe'

            Also for the 'Verification Code' - a little pop up for people saying 'What's This?' would go a long way towards reducing the number of failed transactions.

            I'd happily pay more, say £125 p.a. for some enhancements to this service.

            Webmaster and Art Consultant


              We did look at doing this, but the problem is that we would have to link back to logos on the merchant's webserver
              Securehosting allow users to download a template from them, modify it and then upload back to thier servers thus solving this problem.

              How about if the merchant supplied a logo of specific size to Actinic by email and you did it at your end - you could even charge extra for doing it.

