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Meta Tags and descriptions

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    Meta Tags and descriptions

    Hello All!

    Just wondering...I have noticed that all pages (fragments, products etc) have a section for their own Meta tag keywords and description.

    Now I always thought that your Meta tags and description should only go on your Homepage and then you breadcrumb them through your site through the content to the product.

    Is this not the case?
    Or should I be filling in all these boxes with the relievant keywords to that specific page?

    Does Actinic put these in automatically or should I manually type the meta tags into the HTML code of Act_primary and Act_brochureprimary aswell?

    When is best to stop, as we all know too much of a good thing is bad for us!


    Meta descriptions and keywords are virtually redundant as they are ignored by the main search engines.

    If you do wish to use them then they should reflect the content of each page. If you use them as you suggest ie home page and the same on each page then you could be caught by SPAM filters as they will not match the page content.

    If you enter them into the Actinic fields then they will be automatically entered correctly by actinic.


      If they are ignored why still have/use them?


        Some minor engines use them and it an option for those who want to use them. Adding them is a final bit in the SEO process.


          They are 'virtually' ignored. If there is little content on your page then the Meta Description may be used instead. For example I had some pages a while back with very little written content - the SEs picked up the alt text of the images which had little bearing on the content of the pages. After adding Meta Description tags the SEs then listed them in preference to the alt texts.
          I always fill them in but I'm careful to only fill in relevant content of the page - like a one line page summary. I also complete the Meta Keywords with a few relevant words - although I think this Meta is probably completely ignored now.


            Meta Title tags
            Now these are VITAL meta tags and it is very important that use use them correctly.


              Originally posted by RuralWeb
              Now these are VITAL meta tags and it is very important that use use them correctly.
              Sorry I was referring to Meta Descriptions not Titles as I said above (before editing).
              It's been a busy day.



