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Callback Error from Worldpay since moving host

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    Callback Error from Worldpay since moving host


    I have just moved host and following an apparently successful upload I am receiving the following cllback error from Worldpay:

    Error reported: Remote host returned incorrect Content-Type: wanted text/plain got text/html
    Server Reference: mggaeq4a:callbackFailureEmail-1205081:

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thank you.


    have you checked what call back settings you have on the worldpay control panel?


      yes - everything seems ok. I spoke to worldpay and they said that this wasn't a common error and they are looking into it. The only other thing I have noticed is that on the Payment options on the Actinic business settings the worldpay option is greyed out. Whereas the paypal option is white and editable.


        Tonight we have had some orders paid for by Paypal, these to did not have their associated payment downloaded either. Appears as though no callbacks are working and it is an actinic / hosting issue rather than a Worldpay one. Also - since everything was working before we changed host, it seems likely to be a hosting issue ?

        Any thoughts??


          What version of actinic do you have?

          When you say paypal did n't have its payment downloaded, did anything go into payment pending?

          Do you think this thread may help?


            Hi Jo,

            v 7.0.5.

            Yes, order was downloaded but no payment. It just went into pending payment. But I got an email from Paypal with the order number confirming payment.

            Since then I have several Worldpay orders with the same problem - callback error?

            I can't understand it, never had any problems like this before.


              I think we have 2 separate issues here, but I must admit to the coincidence.

              Can you apply the required patch in the thread to fix the paypal issue (I hope actinic will build this in to the main product, Any news on this guys?)

              I can't offer any ideas for WP. I looked at my own call back settings for surf-wax - Configuration settings , the entire page is blank except for Attach callback data to failure email? which is ticked

              You could remove WP from within actinic and then set it up again, but before that you could wait to see if WP come back with anything


                I have seen this issue recently with worldpay and the problem is at their end. Worldpay's DNS servers seem to be holding onto records for over 4-5 days. This causes the worldpay callback to goto your old server IP rather than your new one. I gave worldpay a call and asked them to manually flush and refresh the dns records they had for our domain name and sure enough (after asking them to do it twice) the problem was fixed.

                4 day old DNS cache is pretty poor if you ask me. They should be updating far more often to avoid problems like this.


                  Thanks Phil, I've called Worldpay and asked them to update their DNS. Hopefully this will resolve the Worldpay problem.


                    theres the paypal fix

                    The following applies to Version 7.02 and above: There is no solution for 7.01 - you have to upgrade to a higher patch level

                    - Open the {install path of ActinicEc}\Sites\{Yoursitename}\CommonOCC\PostPayPal.fil
                    - Find the following line (keep in mind, it is one line)


                    ($status, $sError, $sHttpStatus, $sResponse) = ACTINIC::HTTP_SendAndReceive('', 80,

                    and change it to
                    ($status, $sError, $sHttpStatus, $sResponse) = ACTINIC::HTTPS_SendAndReceive('', 443,

                    (Just to be clear you have to add an S to HTTP and change 80 to 443)

                    - save the file and upload the site.


                      Thanks Jo, with the fix Paypal now appears to be working correctly. Lets hope that the Worldpay errors are just their DNS records. I've asked them to let me know when they've updated them - I'll let you know.

                      Many thanks for all of your help.


                        Everything is now working OK. Is seems as though it was a Worldpay / DNS issue. They have now confirmed that the DNS is pointing to the correct location and orders are downloading correctly.


                          The paypal fix has been built into V8.

                          All PB clients using Paypal with have to apply the patch if they are using V6 and V7

