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Help required

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    Help required

    Ive now been using version 4 for a few years, a few hitches here and there..

    The problem being i've had no web site for nearly 3 months the hosting company is not very helpfull to say the least .my home page now directs me to my web search

    i have checked the ftp username and the password which seem fine.

    When i upload the catalog it comes back with time out always on the indices 3rd group down, im pulling my hair out hear...

    Can anyone shed some light on this or have had the same problem

    Cheers Bee

    It seems to me that the upload it not working at all.

    Can you tell us who the host is, and also export your network settings (exc username and password) so we can see and hopefully diagnose


      Hi Jo,

      Barbara is away and holiday and has left to ask for help here.

      I'm not that great with computers but I'll try my best if you can help in anyway.
      Here is the advanced settings, well I hope they are there as this doesn't look like other forums for attaching an image
      Actinic settings.txt

      Serv-it are the hosts.



        That file you attached looks empty.


          Certainly is!


            Screen print!

            Hope its not a blank page!!!
            Attached Files


              This is as far as it goes...

              When i press the blue upload arrows it reports check and send files, on the third section down checking indices it reports back unable to connect to the FTP server the operation timed out.

              End of story...

              I have been onto a web design company to ask if they can salvage any information and load into a new updated program, does anyone know



                Change your hosting company. All your site information is held by Actinic on your PC so there is no recovery problem.

                You should be up and running by the end of the day if you select a good host - a search on the forum will give you lots of info.


                  Hi Malcolm,

                  I approched a web design and hosting company a month or two ago.

                  gave them the stp ftp? details, they set up new hosts but they said the information was wrong and there was no files to be seen!!!

                  since then i have been banging on at servit now called airband, but with no joy, realy fed up now and trade is bad enough without hassel of this.

                  my grumble for today



                    was no files to be seen
                    Most web design companies are not used to the way Actinic works ie they expect to see the files on the server and will work on files held there.

                    Actinic however holds the data on the users PC and uploads files that it generates. If your host has "lost" the files on the server then the design company will not be able to do anything - they would not anyway as they are on your PC.

                    I suggest you contact a host/design company who are used to working with Actinic - try jo at pinbrook she will I am sure be able to help.



                      When you say 'no files to be seen', do you mean that the http root directory is completely empty?

                      If that is the case, then this may be the problem, Actinic (any version) will not upload any files if it connects and finds no files within a directory.
                      This can be solved by manually uploading any file (even a small image).
                      "OK Venus?"
                      "OK Steve!"
                      "Right then, lets go!


                        Still can't see my web site

                        Firstly thank you Pinbrook for all your help over the last few days

                        Still confussed tho as to why i can not see my web site Pinbrook have established that the upload problem i had was caused by the host rather then myself....phew

                        Ive followed the instructions, start menu, run
                        in the command box typed ipconfig flushdns
                        returned to the browser and typed URL

                        this is suggested information, i havent a clue what it all means so dont think im a pc buff cause i wouldnt be needing you guys and girls to help but apparently the dns tables on my pc might be preventing me seeing the website.

                        so when i do all the above to directs me to my web search with URL host etc.

                        when i open internet explorer it comes up with the message
                        you are not authorized to view this page.

                        So can any one please help me.

                        Kind regards



                          is this what you see

                          Directory Listing Denied
                          This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.

                          I think you get this error message because you have no index.html page with your old host.

                          Your actinic site is on a temporary domain on PB servers now.


                            No this is what i see

                            You are not authorized to view this page
                            You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.


                            If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please try to contact the Web site by using any e-mail address or phone number that may be listed on the home page.

                            You can click Search to look for information on the Internet.

                            HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden
                            Internet Explorer
                            Attached Files


                              Ahh...we see different things because you are viewing in IE and I an viewing in Firefox. Can you ftp an index.html to the webspace and see if this makes a diiference. You will need to use an FTP program to do this, as you are uploading to your old host and actinic will not upload to this.

