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Payment Pending - Cheques

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    Payment Pending - Cheques

    Order processing is set to be bypassed - once an new order is printed everything is automatically marked as being paid etc and moved from the pending tab to completed.

    If payment via cheque is selected the items sits in pending so have to un-tick order bypassing and manually set it has being paid and then reset bypassing. Have I missed something obvious or is the way cheques are set to be handled?

    Thankfully vast majority of payments are by credit card so more of a niggle than a hair-pulling situation.


    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


    I dont think you are missing anything at all. With 'Bypass Order Processing' selected, there is no way to complete the payment and move to pending you will have to enable order processing to do this. This is the way it is setup at the moment.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Fair enough - thankfully only a very small handful are paid by cheque so not an issue.

      Thanks for confirming Bruce

      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


        Originally posted by jont
        thankfully only a very small handful are paid by cheque
        Almost 2 months later and another payment by cheque. Thinking I had this sorted unticked "bypass ordering" and marked the order as being paid.... left the focus on the payments tab. Bypass ordering was then re-ticked.

        Upon then clicking onto another order ... this opened to the last default view ie "progress and payments". Even though the payment was marked as paid via credit card it would not let me select another tab and kept requesting "enter type of card" ... nothing was selectable and only course was to kill Actinic via Task Manager.

        Again - not a major issue as a rare event in needing to change the type of ordering between viewing orders but worth mentioning if happens to others and if taken through to v8 (currently not installed on this machine to test)

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

