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Buy Now Button on information pages

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    Buy Now Button on information pages


    I am designing a specialist East Anglian Countryside book shop and want to provide lots of additional information and images about books and vidoes.

    The extended information pages don't give me enough flexibility for what I want (in any case, have checked the knowledge base and it states that v6 doesn't support buy now buttons on these pop up pages).

    I intended to use information links to pages created outside Actinic. Is there any way that I can allow visitors to click a buy now button on these pages and to submit the necessary information back to the catalog? I feel that the best time to encourage people to buy is when they have all the detailed information in front of them, rather than clicking back and then the clicking buy button.

    I would be grateful for any guidance - even if it is to tell me not to waste my time - thanks



    This may be possible, but I'm not sure that there is much point.

    Most sites (even non-Actinic ones) will just supply a "close this window" link so that the shopper can see the main page with the "buy" button again.

    Just my tuppence worth

    Hazelnet Web Solutions
    Actinic & Worldpay Partners
    Specialising in ecommerce and
    online promotion.

    Workwear and Promotional Clothing
    Logo Your Polo!


      I've posted a HOWTO on adding the buy button to the extended info popups. It basically transferrred most of the normal product page functionality (variants, prices, cart button to the popup page).

      It was a work in progress (I just did it as soon as V6 came out to see if it could be done - and I've not looked at it for a while) so it might not do all you want but it's at

      where there are a few other addons too.

      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



        I have tried out the test_extended.html code and the addition of the script so that I can have an add to cart button in the code, but i am getting the following error:

        "Cannot find product. Make sure that the main page is still displaying the product and try again."

        It is still showing the product... I have my shopping mode as Qty on confirmation page.

        Any ideas why this may be doing this.

        I set the defaut page layout for the pop up window as test_extendedinfo, and have tried setting the individual product extended info pop up page as 'Use Parent', and also 'test_extendedinfo' but netither make a difference.

        Appreciate any ideas

        Thank you



          You'll need to post an URL so I can see what you've done.

          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            Hi Norman

            address is I only have a few products with extra info at the mo.

            Thanks for taking a look. I really like the idea of having a buy button in the extra info, more condusive to buying.



              The code you're using only worked on Quantity on Product Page type sections. I've just posted an update. See

              Note that you have to make a teeny change to all your Product templates to implement this.

              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                Hi Norman

                I think i was on your page while you were making that update!!!

                It works a treat now and like I said above, makes the user xp more condusive to buying.



                  Glad it's working. Neat, concise layout.

                  A couple of points.

                  You don't have an index.html in - I got a directory listing when I went there. You might want to change shop.html to index.html for security reasons.

                  You might also want to hard-code a link to your store root just in case someone can't get the Menu to work. You could put <a...> </a> tags around your main logo.

                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



                    I will go check out the update cos like the other guy i was getting that error when i tried earlier in the week ..

                    I know alot of people on this board think its a pointless thing but I think it will help people to decide to buy the product ..

                    I am off to find a solution for another problem we are having with our oders ..
                    s a b b i e t a g e d


                    A wise Monkey never monkies with another Monkies Monkey ..



                      Thanks for that.

                      I currently have index.html linked to several holding pages that i have up. is what goes directly there, when my store is complete, I was going to move this, but to be fair, it would still be a store entry, effectively what is there now. Hmm, not sure that made any sense.

                      Question re your new code...

                      I have been editing the layout of this to keep in line with the rest of my site. There is a gap tho that i cannot get rid of, between the short desciption and the additional info. I have put these in tables. If you/anyone could take a look and tell me where the forced gap is from, I would apprecite.

                      If you go to and click on 1 of the top 3 info buttons you can see what i mean. (I have currently got a border very visable around each of the tables, i was using it to help me see, but alas, I cannot see through the fog!!)

                      Thank you



                        The index.html I was referring to is the one (that isn't there) in your acatalog directory. If you go to you'll see what I mean. You'd be better changing the shop.html to index.html (in Actinic / Design / Options / Site Defaults / Base Page Name).

                        As to your layout problem. Sorry, not able to help there.

                        Norman -
                        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                          is a gap tho that i cannot get rid of,
                          I'm afraid I think it's down to your design again. You have set the height of the main table to '100%'. Get rid of this and it all squishes up smaller - closing the gap.

