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Your Price

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    Your Price

    Hi All

    Have recently changed our theme to the smart theme and are in the throes of tweaking the heck out of it prior to getting customer accounts going.

    I've created a dummy account to test, and I've noticed when logged in you've got "Retail Price" and "Your Price" underneath on every product.

    This seems a bit odd, surely you don't want this on all products unless you've actually got a special price offer for selected products?

    I know you can remove the text for "Your Price" in the settings, but obviously if you do want to target customers with specific offers you would want this on those products.

    I hope that makes sense - smart theme has made my brain dumb today

    Regards - Helen


    The reason for 2 price schedules appearing is to show the logged in customer the price they are getting as compared to the Retail price for non-logged in customers. Customer Groups usually are made with a margin off the Retail price which is the base schedule. If you do not want both prices appearing, open a customer account and click on the 'Buyer' tab, here you should see an option 'Hide Retail Prices', selecting this will only show the 'Your Price' option to the logged in customer.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Hi Bruce

      I get what you're saying - but at the moment this shows on all products even though I've not got any groups set up (I'm just using my dummy account for testing purposes).

      What I would expect using customer accounts is not to have this showing to all logged in customers on all products all the time - only to certain logged in customers on certain products.

      So if I wanted to target group "A" who have all bought a particular product previously with a special offer on that product, you would only see the "Your Price" on that product for that group during the special offer period.

      We're a retail site, but even if you were a wholesale site you wouldn't want this would you? All our wholesalers who use Actinic business do not set out their stalls like this - they just quote trade ex vat prices with any appropriate additional discounts for multiple buying - there is no "retail price" and "your price".

      Hope that makes sense - hot weather has melted brain.

      Regards - Helen


        I am VERY new to Actinic but I've noticed that when I go into Customer Account there are automatically 2 groups Retail and Trade - at least I think they're automatic. I certainly don't remember setting them up !

        Is your Dummy Account set up as retail. I'm guessing that would just show the one price then. It's a drop down box in Edit Customer Account > Customer Group.


          All my customer accounts are set up as retail - I'm still setting them up at the moment (although already it's running into the hundreds so I'm starting to panic a bit). I'm using my dummy account for testing purposes while I try to iron out these unexpected little quirks before actually launching live accounts.

          From the group retail, I would expect anybody logged in to just see the normal price as would non logged in customers.

          However if I want to run a special offer on a certain product(s) targetted to certain customers, I would then expect to create a new group and call it say "Product A" and apply any discounts etc to the appropriate products that I've linked to that new group.

          So when somebody in the "Product A" group logs in, they would then see that certain products are showing with "Retail Price £10.99" - "Your Price £8.99" or whatever the offer happens to be.

          From reading about customer accounts, I thought this was what you could use them for - again I don't know of anybody who would want Retail Price and Your Price showing against all products, all the time to all logged in customers - it doesn't make sense unless ALL your products are discounted ALL the time!

          Perhaps, yet again, I'm reading more into what Actinic purports to be able to do......... or a case of wishful thinking

          I'm beginning to wish I'd never started this in the first place! Regards - Helen


            The 'Retail' group is usually used for the purpose of displaying retail prices to non logged in customers. Customer groups are then created based on the retail group. If you edit your test account and change the 'Customer Group' to anything other than retail, you will see that only on logging in will teh 2 seperate prices show.

            Kind regards,
            Bruce King

