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Locating .mdb file for pathway to images in v7

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    v7 Lost pathway problem


    Many thanks for your email, and for your information. Bill has been helping me as I am sure you can see by the above threads, and I have just understood and bucked up courage to do what he has suggested. Tried one item and it worked.

    Yes, you are right I originally started with v4, then upgraded to v5 and finally to v7. Maybe this is where my Actinic got "its knickers in a twist" and couldn't find the pathway, adding in another "C" and three slashes!

    When I get a minute I will do as you suggest and also then try and alter as Bill suggests.

    Many thanks to you both. Thanks for helping keep me sane!



      v7 Lost pathway


      It would appear that this files have already been updated, because when clicking into tools the Updating is greyed out. Also it says words to the effect on other occasions that did I want to convert to a previous one.



        Hi Shirley,

        It would appear that this files have already been updated
        Great! Let us know what happens after you have tried Bill's suggestion.



          Thank you so much for your help and interest. I have managed to do as Bill has suggested. Great, it has saved me weeks of work.

          However, I now need to know how to alter the images in the Section area. When I open this, it still shows in the Images row the old pathway.

          Kind regards



            Hi Shirley,

            The section images are in the 'Catalog Section' table in the ActinicCatalog.mdb file. Look for the 'sSectionImageColumn' and do exactly what you did for the products.

            Don't forget to backup before doing this



              I got as far as starting to upload the site, and got the message "Some filenames conflic. All files being sent to the website must have unique names. Please check all files in Advanced/Additional files." Checking in this found nothing listed.



                Hi Shirley,

                This usually happens when an image is referred to in two different places within Actinic but is at different paths on the pc. Actinic uploads everything to one folder (acatalog) so if you have two images on your pc with the same name but in different folders, then this won't work when uploaded as you can't have the two images with the same name in one folder on the server.

                The message displayed should tell you which image(s) it is referring to and the paths it is looking for them in. You may be able to figure out which product/section the image can be found in in the software and maybe check if the image is referred to in the product and the extended info page but pointing to different folders on your pc. If you can't figure out where the image is being referenced in the software then you could open the ActinicCatalog.mdb file and search for the image name in the 'product' table or the 'catalog section' (search on 'any part of the field') to find this info.

                Let me know how you get on with this.


                  v7 lost Pathway

                  Dear Tracey,

                  I think I have burned my bridges somewhat. The areas that are being searched are -

                  Some of the following files must be renamed before an uplift can occur.
                  Once files are renamed, reselect them in Actinic.

                  C:\Program Files\Actinicv7\Sites\Site1\1041.jpg
                  C:\Program Files\Actinicv7\Sites\Site1\Site images\1041.jpg.

                  Unfortunately I went into ActinicCatalog.mdb previously and inserted Site Images\ in front of all the entries. Thinking this would save me time.

                  I believe this is where you are suggesting I discover which picture is in which folder.

                  Tracy, I have spent all day moving them around, and I still have loads to change. Any other suggestions that may help would be greatly appreciated.

                  Kind regards




                    Following on from the previous thread, I have just been searching in Site 1 and came across "previous.mdb". I opened it and realised that Site images\ ..... is not mentioned at all. Would it be an idea if I did a "Search and Replace" in "Site Images" and deleted all mention of "Site images" please.

                    I would be grateful if you would reply a.s.a.p. as I am tearing my hair out.




                      The important thing here is to get consistency. The easiest way to do this is to put all the images directly in Site1 folder, and then, yes, delete all occurrences of Site Images in the image paths in every database table.

                      You may still be left with errors though, if a template has an image path hard coded into it.
                      Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                      BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                      Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                      VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                      Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                        v7 pathway problem.


                        Thanks for your reply.

                        In Windows Explorer it shows
                        + Site1
                        + Common OCC
                        Front Page
                        Preview HTML
                        + ShipControl
                        Site Images
                        Site HTML

                        Am I correct in believing they are in Site 1 already, please?

                        If I am correct should I then go into Product and delete all signs of the wording "Site image\............ I used the Find and Replace method to do this because I noticed some of the entries had Site image in front of the pathway.

                        Sorry, I don't understand the Technical Term, "if a template has an image path hard coded into it". Please could you explain a little.

                        I don't know whether you are aware of the previous correspondence whereby my Actinic Catalogue pathway developed a fault with several "C's" and \\\\'s. This is how this all started. Up to then all was running smoothly.

                        Thanks a lot.




                          Site1\Site images\1041.jpg and Site1\1041.jpg are different paths and different places.

                          I am suggesting that the easiest way to find the images is to move all the images currently in the subfolder \Site images\ directly into Site1. Once that is done, the Actinic path to each image will simply be the image file name - in our example above 1041.jpg

                          That's it - that's all that would appear in the image field(s) in the database, and that is all you would see in the image entryfield in the Actinic interface.

                          If someone has altered any of your templates, and have included a path reference to an image, Actinic will throw an error - the error will say that an HTML template references an image outside the Site1 folder and warn that image names in templates should not have a path - but it will not tell you which template is at fault - that is one of my own pet hates.

                          It's because of the issue with corrupted pathways that I suggest eliminating paths completely, by moving all the images directly into the Site1 folder. If ther is no path, it cannot go wrong again.
                          Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
                          BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
                          Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
                          VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
                          Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                            Thanks Bill,

                            I did not realise that it was in a sub folder or directory. I will open the folder, and transfer all the images inside directly into Site 1 as suggested.

                            Hopefully my hair will grow again!!




                              I don't know how to thank you enough for your kindness and patience in helping me. Thankfully I am up and running once more.

                              What a relief!!!

                              I only have one other thing to conquer. On refreshing or uploading it gives a list of images that contain spaces. I have checked in the images and these have already been altered, and I have checked, and cannot find the original ones with the spaces. For some reason this is not being recognised.

                              This problem is minor and I am sure can be overcome.

                              Again, sincere thanks for all your help. You really have kept me sane!!

                              Forever in your debt.




                                As you will see from my reply to Bill I am now up and running again. You will never know how relieved I am. Thank you so much for all your help. Without Bill and yourself I would have given up long ago.

                                I still have a problem with Actinic not recognising that I have removed the spaces on some of the images. If you have any thoughts on this I would be grateful.

                                Maybe it is coming from the previous.mdb.

                                Once again sincere thanks to you all.

                                Kind regards


