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Different prices for pounds and dollars

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    Different prices for pounds and dollars

    Hi, We've built our site and now wish to appeal to our US audience. Our products have different prices in the US market(eg. £699/$999), so Norman's excellent NorPrice isn't exactly what we want.

    We'd love to have a US flag on the page which, when clicked, causes the site to show the dollar prices instead of the pound prices.

    Has anybody done anything like this before? Any suggestions?

    Thanks! -Jc.

    If the ratio of UK amount to US amount is constant, you can set the second currency up in View | Business Settings and set your own conversion rate - though this would show both prices side by side.

    The "different price for different browser locations" setup should be relatively easy to do in v8 - may be worth trying now in the beta ready for implementation following full release.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      Thanks Bill, I see what you are suggesting. We'd prefer to have just one currency or the other.

      Is there any way to have two of each product, one in £s and the other in $s and some crafty CUSTOMVAR to control which ones are displayed?

      ..or using customer groups with different prices (how to swap currencies??)

      I'm running out of ideas!


        An untested thought could be to use seperate CSS sheets that have an attribute set depending on which version is in use .... using a <div> around the price that is set to either show or visibility:hidden depending on which sheet is in use ... this would be akin to sites allowing the visitor to set the site colours etc to their own choice

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          I would like to be able to do this as well. Currently I have to manage 2 different sites. 1 in each currency.

          Located at Vancouver, Canada


            A partial solution -good enough for me!

            I've kindof sorted this one, being inspired by bits of the earlier posts. Here's how, to help anyone else with the same issues....

            I've got two sections in the product database: 'US Store' and 'UK and Europe Store'. There's a copy of each product in each section. (Works for us -we have a small number of products).

            I defined a new custom variable 'CURRENCY', added it to each product and set its value to 'Pounds' or 'Dollars'. I also set the 'Tax Rate' to 'Exempt' for the 'Dollars' products in the US Store to suppress the VAT message.

            Then in Design | Options | Miscelleneous, I set the second currency to Dollars, as Bill suggested. I selected the format '£1.00 / $1.75' -this is important for the script to work (the #47 in the code below is the forward slash).

            Then the scary bit: in Act_Product_Price.html, I added the following script to display only the price in the chosen currency (thanks jont for the idea), in place of the 'NETQUOTEVAR:COST':

            <!--NETQUOTEVAR:COST replaced with this code, -Jc. 24/07/06-->
            <script language=JavaScript>
            <!-- (V11) 
            var Cost =  'NETQUOTEVAR:COST';
            var Currency='CUSTOMVAR:CURRENCY';
            if (Currency=='Dollars')
            document.write (Cost.substring(Cost.indexOf('#47')+10, Cost.length),' ','<span class=\"actxxsmall\">(Free of Sales Tax)</span>'); //dollar prices
            else if (Currency=='Pounds')
            document.write (Cost.substring(0, Cost.indexOf('#47')-1)); //pound prices
            document.write (Cost); //all other pages use both prices
            And whaddaya know, I can send our US friends to their own store and offer them prices in dollars, just by putting the US products in a section of their own and setting 'Currency' to 'Dollars'. Wahoo! Both prices are shown at the checkout, but we can live with that.

            I hope that helps somebody!

            (It's not uploaded yet, should be later in the week with some other updates).
            Last edited by -Jc.; 24-Jul-2006, 05:12 PM. Reason: updated code snippet


              US v UK site

              I want to do what Jc describes, i.e have a US store in dollars and a UK store in pounds. Did you get your code to work? I had a look at your website and all prices appear to be in pounds.

              Also, I'm going to have to set up a separate US WorldPay account, so we can have dollars paid into that. Has anyone got any tips on doing this?



                I guess it would be best if you contacted Jc directly via an email through the forum as I too cannot see this code implemented on his store.

                With regards to the WorldPay account, I guess you will need to get in touch with them to check as to what options are available to you. If you use Jc's mod, then you in effect can only use a single Merchant ID for the store. If using US dollars requires a seperate Merchant account then you will have to perhaps buy another licence of catalog for the US site.

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  It's not up there just yet..

                  I'm doing the development on the site and my client is still working on some other mods, and will upload the site when he's done. The code is working very nicely -watch that space! (Cathy, I've emailed you a link to my test site).

                  About the worldpay account, Bruce is right, you'll be using just one account (we use paypal), so you'll be getting your payments in the primary currency, even though for all customers, both currencies are shown at the checkout.


                    It's up!

                    Just in case anyone's interested, the new UK/Europe and US stores are now live. Do post if you can improve on this way of doing it!

                    Cheers -Jc.

