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The memory could not be "read"

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    The memory could not be "read"

    I keep getting the following error message: -

    'The instruction at <hex address> referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate .... Cancel to debug'

    This happens often when switching between sites and always when clicking the button 'pending and completed' in the Orders tab.
    On closing the message box Actinic crashes. Re-opening Actinic can take two or three attempts.
    This looks like a buffer overflow bug. Reducing the Access tables sizes helps, but they are nowhere near the Microsoft Access limitations recommendations.

    I found a similar problem on this thread.

    Hi Keith,

    Please go into Housekeeping | Compact Databases and select both options, and proceed. This will close down Actinic, reopen and see if the error still happens with the site this was done for. You will have to do this for all the sites you have. If this does not fix the problem, you may need to either call in to support if you have a Cover Contract, else raise a support query @ We will need to see a snapshot or the Database of the site to determine what is causing this error.

    Please also provide details of the exact version of Actinic.

    Kind regards,
    Last edited by Bruce; 20-Jul-2006, 12:50 PM. Reason: Addition:
    Bruce King


      Please go into Housekeeping | Compact Databases and select both options, and proceed.
      Thanks for your reply. This is Brian, Keth's colleague by the way. It seems we both suspected the database was becoming unwieldly. I did try this with one site and prior to this I deleted about half the records from Order and OrderDetail within the Access environment. The database went from 800MB to 227MB. I will try this again with all the sites. Access can stand 2GB though.

      We will need to see a snapshot or the Database of the site to determine what is causing this error.
      Actinic will not let us create a snapshot. i do back-ups etc within Access

      Please also provide details of the exact version of Actinic.
      Using Actinic V7 upgraded to 7.0.4

      Any suggestions will be welcome no matter how technical. I think reducing the database size is the route to follow. I suspect the database queries running from perl are retrieving oversize result sets and causing memory buffer overflow. I have often seen similar errors programming in C++.


        Hi Brian,

        Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this. I would suggest upgrading to the latest version of Actinic. Between 7.0.5 and 7.0.6, there were a lot of fixes. I have attached a summary of the revision changes in 7.0.5 and 7.0.6.

        Kind regards,
        Attached Files
        Bruce King


          Hi Bruce
          Thanks for responding again.
          Have downloaded your files but bit too busy to take action.
          I have rationalised the big tables some more but seen little improvment yet.
          i will finish deleting old records and compacting to see if that does help.
          Then try the updates.
          Will report back when done. Probably couple of weeks

