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Hidden product to replace main product?

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    Hidden product to replace main product?


    I'm using Mole End's "One stop" with the aim of creating simple csv files to hand over to a third party fulfilment house. So far so good, it does exactly what I want.

    However, I'm having a bit of trouble getting the order lines exported to csv properly when I want to have multiple choices for a product. I've set everything up with hidden products as per this thread:

    Great. I now get everything looking good in the cart in so far as only the chosen product appears, not the 'parent'. However, if I download a test order, it still seems to be made up of the 'parent' plus it's 'component' (my hidden product).

    Running this through the csv export in One Stop produces just one line containing the 'parent' product description. what I want is to have one line containing the hidden product description - exactly how the cart displays it.

    This behavior seems to be just the same as when I started out earlier using regular components for my choices rather than the hidden products. I'm kind of amazed that it doesn't just substitute the hidden product in for the parent - Actinic seems hell bent on treating the hidden product as a component!

    I'd be really apppreciatve of any pointers.

    Thanks in advance.

    Hi there.

    Please try on the main product, setting the 'Pricing Model' to 'Sum of Component Prices' and select 'No Order Line For Main Product'. This should create an order line in the export file containing the hidden product details.

