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New user with Huge problems

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    New user with Huge problems

    Hi there, I'm a new actinic user and have found the software great to use. But as I was about to go live with my clients shop i decided to clean up any defuncked files/folders before handing over the site to them. i have some how manged to totaly lose all the original folders set up on the server and i'm unable to upload the site, I get an error message saying that the path to the g=cgi-bin can not be found. Any help as to haw to reconfigure the cig-bin pathways or what folders there should be on the server would be greatly appreciated, as i about to put my head in the oven for being such a tidy freak and stupidly delating folders.

    Hi Deb, You should be able to put it all back by using the refresh site function.

    Give it a try and come back if it does not work as there are other options.


      thanks Malcom will give that a go


        still no joy, this is the message I get

        Error accessing the cgi-bin.

        Possible Cause:
        The directory does not exist on the remote server
        The permissions on the directory on the
        remote server are locked
        The wrong Path to the CGI-BIN is specified in your
        web site details in
        the Business Settings
        Run the Web | Configure Web Site Details command to verify your setup
        Create the cgi-bin directory on the remote server
        Correct the permissions on the cgi-bin directory on
        the remote server
        But when i try to reconfigure web site details I get another error message, this time it says
        "the wizard received an error while verifying the web server. Error sending request."


          The settings in Actinic should all be ok s as you say the problems are at the server end. Have you deleted the cgi-bin?

          Next one to try is:

          Advanced \ Troubleshooting | Purge and Refresh


            yip, in my moment of madness i managed to deleted the hole site from the server including , public folder,cgi-bin and any of the other actinic folders such as log ect.


              Nice one . You will need to recreate the public folder and cgi-bin as Actinic will not create these. Once you have replaced these then try to refresh. Who is your host.


                can i just double check the purge refresh option. i don't seem to have Troubleshooting | Purge and Refresh under Advanced heading. I do have it under help/ troubleshooting/ perge session files.
                can I confirm that that is the option i should take
                Thanks for your help with this Malcom, its greatly appreciated.


                  webfusion is my host, i did contact them and ask if they could restore, but unforunatley they said this was not an option


                    I have created a public_htm folder and inside that i have created a cig_bin folder. when I try to refresh i still get the same error message stating that the path to the cgi-bin in incorrect.
                    any thought?


                      the folder should be "cgi-bin" not "cgi_bin" .. ensure you set permissions to 755

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                        As jont says it should be cgi_bin and with webfusion public_html/


                          im off out now, have another day job to go to (maybe just as well the way this is going !!!!) If you could possibly give me some stepps to try later I'll give them a go whaen i get back home tonight after 8:30pm. sorry for being such a pest, i am very greatful for your time and effort malcom.


                            I do have it under help/ troubleshooting
                            You are correct (its too hot here )- use the purge and refresh option.


                              You in Spain yet Malcolm?

                              SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

