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    When I try to use NOTEPAD to change files I am having problems sometimes will not save my new instructions.

    (-Wants to save file as text not HTML)

    Please help

    I am not using developer software- just your regular ver 6 catalog.


    You need to chosse all files when saving then make sure you have typed .html as the extension
    Owner of a broken heart


      If you are simply overwriting the content of the original file, i.e. opening it up within Notepad and making a few changes, then just simply click the Close "X" situated in the top right hand corner of Notepad and select yes to oevrwrite. This way it does away with file, save etc etc...

      Hope it helps...



        what do you mean?

        I open source code in notepad
        Change it
        save in same directory with same file name

        BUT when I open it up again changes are not reflected in file



          If you opened the file up within Notepad, made your changes and then just click the X in the top right hand corner of Notepad, and then select Yes to overwrite the original file, then this should work fine and save on the file | save process...

          Does it not work on your system, strange if that is the case...


            If it is still happening you might want to explore the Site1 folder and ensure that your files are not read only maybe. Right click on the file you are trying to amend and click properties and see what the read only checkbox states.

            Just an idea..


              Hi again,

              sorry to go over this again but I am still having problems.

              I can make changes to the html file if I View the Source code from the web page or if I go to the file direct, saving them as you described. These changes are reflected in the web view when I save them and refresh them. However when I close down the source page then make a change using the Actinic front end, my changes are lost, only the changes made in Actinic are shown with my changes gone.

              I hope this makes sense!

              Thanks for your help.



                PS Files are not Read only


                  Just a thought.

                  I have been changing P_SiteRoot_index.html in the PreviewHTML folder. Is this the right file to be manually changing?



                    Ahhhhh, nope afraid not...

                    Go into: Advanced | Template Manager and there you will find a load of tabs that holds buttons for all of the templates that produces the end resultant pages.

                    The page you have been changing is what the Actinic software generates from the templates I have listed above.

                    All the best....


                      Hello again,

                      Just to clarify, which of the templates should I be altering to add in my own html code to the main homepage?

                      Thanks for all your help.


                        The home page is the Act_Brochure_Primary normally, that is assuming that you are talking about the page shown at and not which if that is what you want, then Act_primary

                        All the best


                          Hi again,

                          Thanks, your fix did work and I can now make the changes in the template and see them on the web. However, since it was the template I changed, the changes are made in all the pages (except the catalogue pages) and I only want them on the one main page.

                          Any ideas?

                          Thanks again!



                            Save the Brochure page as a new filename within the Site1 folder of say "Act_Brochure_Root.html" which contains your custom bit of extra code, then add this new filename to the layout property of the Home brochure page settings.

                            Then remove the custom bit of code from the original Act_Brochure.html template so that it is as it was to start with.

                            Hope it helps..........


                              Could you tell me where the layout property of the Home brochure page settings is? Hopefully then that'll be me away!

                              This has turned out to be much more complicated than I first thought. Thanks for your help and patience!


