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2 quick questions

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    2 quick questions

    Hi all.

    I have two simple questions, both of which I think I know the answer to anyway - just need them confirmed

    1. Is it possible to have a link specified in the [LINK] variable to open in a new window?

    2. Is there a way of using the built in search facility in the brochure too? This part of my site is quite big, with lots of news articles, reviews, etc. I don't want to have to implement a 3rd party search script.

    Many thanks,
    David Webb
    A2Z Computing Ltd

    For LINK launching a separate window, simply add target="new_window" at the end of the page name or url you are connecting the link onto, so if a URL it might look now like: and change this to... target="new_window"

    Search on Brochure pages, are you talking about incorporating the SimpleSearch into the page...

    First of all try adding the NETQUOTEVAT


    And see if it appears in the borchure page, or if not, then view the source of the page that does show it, and copy it from the source of that viewed page, into your Brochure template, tweaking accordingly for paths etc if it is on the home page.


      Hi, and thanks for the reply.

      I just tried the first one and it works perfectly

      For the second one I already have the simple search on the brochure pages but it seems that only the catalogue is searchable. For example, if I search for 'hard drive' it finds the products in the catalogue but not any pages in the brochure that contain 'hard drive'. Maybe it's not designed to do that, but if it does I'd love to use that feature

      I've looked in the search options and can't see anything that refers to searching the brochure pages. If it's not designed for this how do I add it to a wish list?

      David Webb
      A2Z Computing Ltd


        Have you tried selecting 'Index Page Fragments' in the Search Options? (Supposing of course you're brochure pages you want to be searched are comprised of fragments)


          View | Search Settings | Options and enable Index Page Fragments, should do the trick.


            Yes, that option is enabled and my brochure pages comprise of many fragments. However, when I search for words that I know are in these fragments I just get an error saying "No matching products were found".

            Any thoughts?

            David Webb
            A2Z Computing Ltd


              Ooooooooops - you got the answer whilst I was contemplating life and making a coffee with your post on my screen - sorry.


                Well, I've tried disabling and re-enabling the option but it still won't search the brochure fragments.

                Also, I've noticed that the site map doesn't include any brochure pages. Is this by design?

                David Webb
                A2Z Computing Ltd


                  The sitemap doesn't contain the brochure pages unfortunately.

                  My sites have the search indexing for fragments disabled so I can't check whether I can search brochure pages or not. You could try searching within a fragment that you have in the product sections to see if that is working though. If that works then it may confirm that the search doesn't include brochure pages.

