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Country List Order

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    Country List Order

    When going to checkout, Actinic displays a list of countries in alphabetical order with the exception that UK and USA are first in the list. How can this list order be changed?

    The reason for the question is a I just created two new countries (Jersey and Guernsey to amend how VAT is charged) and they now appear at the bottom of the list instead of in the correct alphabetical position.

    How can I put Jersey and Guernsey in the correct position?


    Hi Peter

    We just added the Channel Isles as a state/province within the UK

    You can then add them to a tax free zone in Business Settings/Tax




      Country Order

      Hi Mick

      Thanks for the reply. I have set up Jersey & Guernsey as Tax Free zones ok.
      But the issue is when you get the 'select country' list box appear, J&G are at the bottom and not in the G's and J's. On your site, your UK zones list as UK Mainland, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Channel Islands, Scottish Highlands. This is not alphabetic order is it? In your case, you can see all the countries at once. On my site, J&G are out of sight, right at the bottom of the list and not in the right order alphabetically. I was asking how I could put the country list in order alphabetically.

      Cheers anyway.



        In 'Advanced | Locations' there are arrows beside the list of countries and states to change the position of the country/state within the list.

