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Filenames conflict

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    Filenames conflict

    Hello again !

    I'm building my site up and everything's been going tickerty-boo.

    I've just tried to to a Web Update and have had this message come up.........

    Some filenames conflict. All files being sent to the web site must have unique names. Please check the list of files in Advanced | Additional Files.

    Some of the following files must be renamed before an upload can occur. Once the files are renamed, reselect them in the Actinic.

    D:\My Documents\My Pictures\actinic_images\small\noimage.jpg
    D:\\My Documents\My Pictures\actinic_images\small\noimage.jpg

    When I go to Advanced | Additional Files there's nothing there How can I rectify this? I'm using a CSV to transfer product info etc.

    This type of warning can also occur if you have hardcoded the image link into a template. The double slashes in the second warning "D:\\My Documents" may be a clue to an error in hardcoding somewhere as Actinic is looking for what it thinks is 2 images in different locations but once uploaded to the server will occupy the same name and space

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Using MS Access you can look at the table Additional Files and double check that there are no entries.


        Oakie dokie.

        I've done that Duncan and there's nothing in the Table.

        I don't understand the Hard Coded into a template bit though sorry - I'm a newbie to this stuff

        I did have a bit of a problem with one section and needed to delete some products that had been duplicated. I did this through the Product Tree and when I amended its Product Code. I got an error message saying that the image file didn't exist even though the path was shown albeit with out the slashes.

        I'm guessing that because I've opted to import my website I'll need to make any amendments in that and then upload rather than use the Tree.

        Any way I deleted the section in the Tree, purged the site contents and then imported the spreadsheet. Then I've uploaded the website with success this time.

        So I think that you were right Jont - even though I didn't understand what you meant it obviously gave my thought process a nudge !

        Thank you both


          I have had this problem before when i used "extended information" to place a image and then had unticked the use extended information box so it was to practical purpose not being used but actinic still looked at the field name and came up with the error

          Just go through the catalogue and look for where you used this image and remove the redundant one or re set it to within the site one folder
          Chris Ashdown


            Hardcoding is when you place the image directly into the template rather than specifying the image from within Actinic itself.

            From your second post it sounds like an import error on the spreadsheet.. as Chris says, if you know the locations of said image then check the paths are OK. When entering product images inside Actinic it will through a warning saying incorrect name or path ... importing side steps this flagging and youonly see if you click back onto the product or (as in your situation) try to upload

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

