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Transfering Actinic

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    Transfering Actinic

    Hi there, I'm a first time poster
    One of my friends has a website with an Actinic cart installed on it. They have asked me to help them transfer the hosting to a new hosting provider. As I do not really know anything about Actinic I was wondering if this is a hard job and what would be involved.
    Cheers for any help.

    Hi Mylo,

    welcome to the site. Transfering should be as simple as just checking the paths in Advanced | Network Setup are correct to the cgi-bin, .pl etc .... different servers have different paths from the root to the public files where Actinic needs to publish.

    Once the site / DNS has been moved to the new server connect via FTP and check the paths there. Alternatively if you can't make them work post the host name on the forum and someone will probably know the correct settings for you.


    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Thanks Jont. Seems straight forward.


        Originally posted by pele
        Seems straight forward.
        Just remember you said that before tearing your hair out

        It should be OK once you know the paths as everything else remains the same as far as Actinic is concerned.

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Mylo, may be worth pointing out you will not actually transfer any files from the old server to the new. You will just change the Actinic Advanced | Network Setup settings to point at the new server, and Actinic will upload a complete functional website.

          The only concern would be if anything has been hardcoded to an IP address, but that is reasonably unlikely.

          Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
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          VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
          Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


            You should really suspend ordering several hours before you transfer out to the new server and also double check for any .ord (order) files on the server just prior to making the request.

            May be worth considering purging the old server files in the 24 hour or so grace you have before the new DNS propagates to the new server... again checking for any .ord files that may have slipped through the net.

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

